Dutch Farmers are the new Truckers
Call to action: support the Dutch protests against a bureaucracy run amok
As you might have heard, the Dutch farmers are protesting, and locking down the whole country. This is a very important development we need to fully support.
Several media here in the US are reporting on this, but there are many important details that are getting lost in translation. Drawing on direct reports from and conversation with William Higgins, a good friend who lives in the Netherlands, here is why.
What is going on?
There have been many farmer protests in the Netherlands. That, by itself, is nothing new. Most of that was spurred on by the pressure caused by regulation from The Hague, which, in turn, often was in reply to demands from Brussels by the EU. Most farmers tried to comply with all the little and crazy rules and regulations, each time with enormous investments as a result.
The newest craze is a ‘nitrogen crisis’, and the current Dutch Government is budgeting at least 25 billion Euros in the next 12 years to combat this newest crisis. They even created a whole new government department and top official, a ‘Ministry of Climate and Nitrogen’! This time it isn’t carbon that is the culprit, but nitrogen, in the form of ammonia and other nitrogen compounds.
The problem, the government says through the new Minister of Climate and Nitrogen, Rob Jetten, is that there is a ‘smothering blanket’ of nitrogen over the Netherlands, that is causing nature to ‘slowly die’. Very alarming! There isn’t that much green in the Netherlands, a very tiny but very densely populated country in the heart of Europe, and now even that little green there is, is threatened by a tragic death because the emission of nitrogen in the country is way too high!
So now the government is acting very forcefully, imposing impossible nitrogen limits on farmers, talk about expropriation of farmers (often farms that are centuries old!), calling any protest ‘extreme right wing violence’, and there is even talk to use the army to quell the Farmers Uprising!
But what is the reality on the ground?
There are countless small ‘nature zones’ spread out all over the country, many only a few acres in size, and a lot of those created by farmers themselves who allocated part of their territory for ‘nature development’ and ‘green zones’.
One of the metrics the government uses to monitor the ecological status of the various areas in their country, is that of ‘nitrogen deposits’. If a farmer has several hundred cows in a field, a nature zone miles away can be affected, and register a nitrogen deposit that is too high. This, in turn, might affect certain plant species that prefer nutrient poor soils, such as moors and peatlands. The new regulation imposes a limit of 0.05 mol/hectare (a hectare is a unit of surface area, equivalent to about 2.5 acres), which means about 0.28 grams of nitrogen per acre. In Germany, that limit is 7mol/hectare, or about 40 grams per acre. That is 140 times less, even though the average nitrogen emission in Germany only about half of that of the Netherlands.
Average nitrogen emission per country
A ruling by the Dutch Raad van State (Supreme Court) eliminated that limit, however, so now NO nitrogen may be deposited.
Part of the problem is that this is a very broad metric, that is being applied very rigorously, as a main metric that supersedes any other consideration.
Plasterk (scientist, entrepreneur and retired politician of the Labour Party), said the following in an interview for the Dutch newspaper ‘De Telegraaf’:
“We are acting very stupidly if we plant forests in one area because of CO2, and in other areas at the cost of an extreme amount of money attempt to prevent that forests would grow there. The nitrogen emission in the Netherlands has been more than halved since the nineties. The nitrogen crisis is a governmentally created problem, and can only be solved governmentally.”
Because the Netherlands is such a small country, and very densely populated (just as in neighboring Belgium), there is much less buffer between farmland and nature zones, and the nature zones that are present, are usually much smaller.
That means that even a small increase is statistically much more important and exaggerated in the numbers: Adding the same influx of nitrogen spread out over an area of a thousand acres, or in an area of only 10 acres, makes a huge difference, and makes that critical limit values can be exceeded much more easily.
Problem is that nitrogen is part of the manure that livestock produces, and that it is part of fertilizer (either from manure or from other sources) that is used for agriculture. Farmers cannot go without it. And what is wrong with having nutrient poor soils become forest areas?
So now they are forced out under impossible rules, and a government that is completely unwilling to budge even an inch. They created a mediation group but stated that they won’t touch the regulation. What then is there to mediate?
Here is the wider problem.
This is part of an effort by the EU elites in social engineering. Bear with me, I will show you how, beyond the observation that attacking livestock farms fits in a meatless utopia where we will eat bugs and are happy about it.
The Dutch government is going all in, with help of the media.
A man went to protest against minister Sigrid Kaag and walked down her street with a torch, shouting. The incident was immediately framed to be part of the anti-covid protests at the time, demonizing those, but it was later revealed that he has a history of mental health issues and it was a solitary action. He got 6 months of prison time.
Another man entered the home of a senator to protest, and was removed forcefully, before being handed over to police. This man "shouted something about a machine gun" and was taken down by security personnel, before being handed over to police.
It's important to note that opposition party FvD's office building was attacked by Antifa in broad daylight, while the police where accompanying them. Not arresting anyone, not hindering in the slightest. That was at the beginning of the year.
This is used now by the politicians to hide behind: representative Mr. Boswijk (a veteran of the Dutch army) went to the media to tell how angry farmers came to his home to protest the nitrogen policy, and that even if he wasn’t home, his 4 and 7 year old children were. With a sob story on how afraid they were, and how he now will work from home to prevent that from happening again.
Until a rumor spread that it was a 70 years old neighbor who came knocking at his door.
In an official meeting of the Chamber of representatives, this case was mentioned, as Mr. Boswijk was absent. All kinds of speculations were made, about farmers, and about ‘an attack on the representative democracy’ by those violent farmers, by different representatives. Until Representative Gideon van Meijeren asked for clarification about this, mentioning that there was the news that it might have been only a 70 year old woman, and was cut short at every turn, muted. The narrative cannot be questioned!
People on Twitter are mocking Boswijk, as a veteran, who felt ‘threatened’ by a 70 year old woman. But his complaint is in line with the emotional appeal to depict the farmers as violent, threatening, out of line.
Similarly, farmers had come to the home of the nitrogen minister, Christiane van der Wal, respected her property and engaged with the minister from the sidewalk. The minister then complained about this in the media, talking about how her children were hidden inside, very afraid, ‘shaking’ from the emotions of this horrific experience. Those violent farmers! No respect! How dare they!
Until, of course, we got this picture from that event:
The minister in front, engaging the farmers, and her children in the driveway, standing about, hands in the pockets, or on their phones… Just how afraid were those children because of those farmers?
Meanwhile, the media shamelessly pushes the narrative, and gushes over nitrogen minister Van der Wal. She is a rising star, and commands respect from supports and opponents alike! She is able to tell the difficult message with remarkable ease!
Yeah, of course.
Then you look at the Twitter page of this radio station that gushed over the minister:

“A lackey who truly has no idea what she is talking about, is a laughing stock and doesn’t command any respect at all!”
The vast majority of the reactions are very negative, mocking the minister. Meanwhile at least three quarters of the Dutch population supports the farmers!
But that is not enough.
A farmer was arrested during a protest, because his tractor allegedly had hit a police van. Under media outrage, he was accused of attempted manslaughter and murder, but that was later dropped. But the media messaging and article headers did pass the nation for a while, underscoring how violent those farmers are! Worse, a video surfaced that showed that the farmer did not drive into the police van… Which means that the police officers who had made the report about the attempted manslaughter lied about it!
That opens the door to calling in the army, to break up the farmer protests and blockades… People in the media and the upper echelons are openly debating how this would take place, and how feasible and easy it would be to have the army send tracked vehicles to pull away the farmer tractors.
And not just that, they are openly debating a ‘digital contact ban’ in regards with the growing opposition among the population. She pointed out how a lot of the social unrest about the nitrogen plans happen online on telegram groups and other online forums.
“We are talking about community service and denying access to certain areas [as with stalkers], but I also seek a digital contact ban or something similar.” And also: “According to me, the necessity is only growing to also tackle that which is happening virtually. What can we expect from the minister [of Justice] on that point?”

This is extremely serious, the openly dictatorial measures that are being proposed and talked about! And with it, the continued attempt to paint any protest, any opposition, as ‘extreme right’, ‘anti-democratic’, ‘violent’, to justify ignoring them and with heavy hand put down…
To properly frame all this, you have to know that only 5 years ago, the Dutch farmers were celebrated as having the lowest environmental impact in the whole world! According to a study by the ABN Amro bank, the common footprint per kilogram of agricultural product of among other elements CO2, energy, pesticides and antibiotics is the smallest in the Netherlands. Which shows that whatever the farmers do (being Dutch, very compliant with the government regulation, very much by the book), it will never be enough. They are simply being driven out.
And this is not hyperbole. The top politician, Minister President Rutte, praised the work of his current coalition in regards to nitrogen, and says it paves the way to be able again in the future to build roads and build houses, where possible. And from an earlier interview: “If you draw out the fields and pastures, it is much easier to build houses there”.

With the talk about expropriating farmlands of those non-compliant, the ‘need’ to build more houses because of the very open immigration policies of this government, and the open talk about it being easier to build housing on (former) farmlands, is a message that is being heard very clearly, not just by the farmers.
"A law just passed to expropriate Dutch Farmers under the guise of a nitrogen ‘crisis’. The truth is the establishment wants them gone because they’re the epitome of the white working class, they stand in the way of the 2030 agenda & their land is needed to house new immigrants." -Eva Vlaardingerbroek
And as Omaha Beach Mass on Facebook pointed out:
”Massive farmer protests in the Netherlands; they are blocking highways, border crossings...dumping manure at town halls etc.
They are fighting for survival, nothing less. The state wants to cut down on farming, livestock in order to "save nature". This has nothing to do with nature, because as soon as the farms are gone (the state having bought the land cheap, because now it's worth less or the farmers have been indebted so badly due to all the environment regulations that they will take any offer...), the fields will be used to build solar- and windfarms (!) and new houses for...well. "Newcomers", I guess is the preferred term.
The state is waging a war against anything that is still recognizable as organic, traditional Dutch culture.”
The Netherlands must become some kind of enormous Europort, filled with data centers, green energy, services, transshipment, distribution centers, etc. A cog in a wider global reality, devoid of her own food production and identity. Fits perfectly in the WEF/2030 agenda. Or the creation of a TriStateCity, modeled after Guangzhou, with total control. And cutting out a very productive and modern farm industry, providing food, when there is such talk about impeding famine? That is simply criminal.
Farmers have no avenues to fight this, or appeal this. As stated earlier, the government appointed mediators, but in the same breath said that the regulation is going to stay as is. What is there to talk about, then? Even though the protests have been peaceful (blocking roads, and spraying manure on roads and police as the worst offenses), the government and media are doing all they can to frame the protesters as violent and dangerous.
This coming Monday, July Fourth (got to appreciate the timing), the Dutch farmers are planning a massive protest, and close down the whole country. There are messages indicating that transporters, truckers, dockworkers, and even fishermen (they are the next food industry that is being gutted by plans of the Dutch government), are planning to support this protest.
Just as we supported the Canadian truckers, we must support the Dutch farmers. For the same reason we celebrate July 4th: Freedom.
Share this article wherever you can, with this message:
“We stand with the Dutch Farmers, for Freedom, against tyranny!”
Let them hear our voices in support, let us put pressure on those in power, both in Europe and in our own United States, that we, the people, no longer will follow arbitrary and dangerous rules, gutting our own countries. The protestors (in Canada last year, and today in the Netherlands) are told that they cannot oppose a legitimate government, that such is sedition and treason, ‘anti-democratic’.
But just as the Dutch in the 80 Year War (their Origin Story) fought against the LEGITIMATE authority of the Spanish, and just as the Colonists in the 1775 American Revolution fought against the LEGITIMATE authority of the British Crown, the Dutch now are realizing they have LEGITIMATE reasons OF THEIR OWN to demand those (legitimately) in power to stop their tyranny.
That Freedom might prevail!
Thanks for telling the true story, but remember this is happening in all WEF countries!
The people must unite against those elite, we are the people and we are many!
Greetings from the Netherlands.
True and who is paying who for this abomination...