Jul 14, 2022Liked by ArnGrimR

Well written and I agree wholeheartedly with your final paragraph in conclusion..😊

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Thank you for expressing, so eloquently, the feelings of most of the world.

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Jul 14, 2022Liked by ArnGrimR

AGR, unless I missed it, your finale slogan was already created in 1775 by pro-American Revolution Virginian statesman Patrick Henry:

"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"


Nevertheless, I get your thesis: liberty "freedom" is our only coveted constant goal whereas equality and fraternity are too corruptible by the very selfish thugs who want to take our liberty away.

IMHO one more salient point you omit: liberty is proof of our God-given free will. The worst corruption of our modern values is the defiance of God's existence. Atheism corrupts. God-reverent leaders / cultures have the WILL POWER to secure liberty.


pro-national sovereingty versus gobalist techno NWO.

God reverent Putin-Trump-Abe versus Atheist Schwab-Harari-Macron.

Putin especially because after 7 decades of Godless Soviet Communism, he knows full well the decay that uber human hubris creates.

With the God warriors leading the charge, "Nothing can stop what is coming."

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