Warning: a possibly very important fertility safety signal in birth rates
(And a methodological warning to fellow citizen journalists)
There appears to be a major safety signal in birth rates, in many different countries, that show a very substantial decline in birth rates, roughly coinciding with the release of the Covid Vaccination.
I was forwarded this tweet by Jikkyleaks, and then checked the subsequent thread.

Several others have started to point this out, as well.
This is the graph that starts it all:
It shows the number of births in Germany in the last 12 years, in first quarter of each year. It shows a drop of about 10% in 2022, from the 10 year average 2011-2021 of 63,911 to 54,871 in 2022. A drop of 9 standard deviations, which places it firmly into the territory of the abnormal. This is not normal, but a reaction to something else that has happened. Official link to German stats is the official German office of statistics, Destatis Statistisches Bundesambt.
Let me first present the data from other places, and then start exploring what it all means.
A similar signal is visible in the UK (where the UKHSA provided a very valuable data set):
A data set from North Dakota, from their ‘Provisional 2022 vital events’ report, here combined by Igor Chudov with those from 2021).
Or Switzerland:
Or the Netherlands, posted by IDK on Twitter:
Less outspoken than the others, these data from Scotland: [link https://www.nrscotland.gov.uk/files//statistics/births-marriages-deaths-quarterly/22/q1/quarter-1-22-report.pdf ]
Or for South Korea, also not as outspoken, and in line with an already downward trend, but following the same pattern:
That is the temporary data we have so far. (I know I am excluding Taiwan, as you might have seen that float around as well, but more about that at the end.)
Now, what does that mean?
If you look at the UK, Germany, the difference is too large to be a statistical anomaly, especially because there is more than 1 month of such data, each being similarly low.
It isn’t an expected decrease after a sudden uptick in births, either. Assuming that the uptick in births in 2021 (as reported by Germany and in the US was Covid related (partners spending more time inside, bored, leading to increased sexual activity, would be the popular theory explaining this), this 2021 increase is smaller than the 2022 decrease, for example, and some other countries that do not have a clear uptick in 2021, still show the decrease in 2022.
The big elephant in the room is of course the Covid vaccine…
The roll-out for the vaccines happened worldwide in the spring of 2021, exactly in that period about 9 months before the 1st quarter of 2022. The real push started by the end of February 2021 and peaked June 2021, for the first wave of vaccinations.
For Germany, the campaign really started beginning of April, peaking in June. (Bloomberg)
For the UK, between February and May 2021, 75% received at least a first vaccination. (UK Office of National Statistics)
And the detail in the British information allows to see this: If you look at the birth numbers for Feb 2022, you see that unvaccinated new mothers are 33.7% of the new mothers for that month, even though only slightly more than 20% of the population in the UK is still unvaccinated. Which means that out of that 20% comes 33% of the new births in Feb 2022. In this case, most likely due to the fact that the least vaccinated ethnic groups are also the ones with the most children.
Looking at the UK and Germany, a pattern linking the onset of vaccination and the drop in birth rates is rather direct.
The effect of possible miscarriages is not as outspoken unless very early miscarriages in the first week or two (even up to 4-6 weeks), which might be missed as a ‘pregnancy’, and simply be thought of as a late menstrual cycle.
An article from the Australian ABC reported that in India miscarriage rates increased threefold. The study they referred to did not specify any cause, nor attempted to, but only reported the observations.
In the article, Delhi-based gynecologist Dr Manisha Ranjan was interviewed. The article explained that “about 10 per cent of her patients since April had experienced stillbirths and she believed it was due to COVID-19 complications relating to thrombosis.
"If we talk about pregnancy, in the first wave we saw a number of patients who were either totally asymptomatic or were not having infection, but in the second wave, when they're infected, the symptoms go [from] moderate to serious complications," she said.”
A video on Telegram shows Army vet Pam Long talk about the DMED database, citing a 300% increase in miscarriages.
Miscarriages: a 300% increase in 2021 over the five-year average. The five-year average was 1,499 codes for miscarriages per year. During the first 10 months of 2021, it was 4,182.
VAERS shows 4423 miscarriages reported in relation to the vaccines.
Other statistics point in the same direction:
An article by Josh Guetzkow, Senior Lecturer at The Hebrew University, used data from FOIA requests submitted to Israel's Rambam Hospital in Haifa. He found that unvaccinated women had a percentage of miscarriages (also including stillbirths and abortions) of 6%, where that was 8% for vaccinated women, or an increased risk of 36%!
He concluded:
“In a sane world, this data would be Earth-shaking. The Israeli Ministry of Health would immediately stop vaccinating pregnant women against COVID-19 and launch a thorough investigation. Can we say for sure that vaccines are the cause of these patterns? No. Not with these data. But nobody can say for sure that the vaccines played no role. But the precautionary principle along with the oath to “First, do no harm” demand that action be taken. But since we don’t live in a sane world, that won’t happen.”
And in a second addendum, he noted a second safety signal related to the roll-out of the boosters, and the impact of that on miscarriages.
If I can make that extrapolation, it seems that the vaccine roll-outs have an immediate effect that increases the risk of miscarriage, but that tapers off afterwards. This number of miscarriages -even if unacceptably high if you are a couple trying to conceive- remains too low, however, to account for the drop in birth rate we see 8-9 months after the beginning of the vaccination campaigns.
It does not stop there. LifeSiteNews reported on the FDA/Pfizer data dump (which they tried to hide for 55 years and even longer, if they could have had their way). Pfizer released, among many other documents, this ‘Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Events Reports’.
In it, we see in Table 6, page 12:
70 mother cases and 4 foetus/baby cases representing 270 unique pregnancies (the 4 foetus/baby cases were linked to 3 mother cases; 1 mother case involved twins).
• Pregnancy outcomes for the 270 pregnancies were reported as spontaneous abortion (23), outcome pending (5), premature birth with neonatal death, spontaneous abortion with intrauterine death (2 each), spontaneous abortion with neonatal death, and normal outcome (1 each). No outcome was provided for 238 pregnancies (note that 2 different outcomes were reported for each twin, and both were counted).
As LifeSite summarized, putting this in proper layman terms we cannot misunderstand:
“Table 6 states that of 270 “unique pregnancies” that were exposed to the vaccine, “no outcome was provided for 238 pregnancies.”
This leaves 32 pregnancies with known outcomes.
Pfizer’s report states that there were 23 spontaneous abortions (miscarriages), two premature births with neonatal death, two spontaneous abortions with intrauterine death, one spontaneous abortion with neonatal death, and one pregnancy with “normal outcome.” That means that of 32 pregnancies with known outcome, 28 resulted in fetal death.” (emphasis mine)
There is a lot more to say about miscarriages and the vaccine, as indicated by the reports in that same article of doctors signaling a huge increase in miscarriages, such as Dr. Daniel Nagase, an Alberta doctor, who said he was informed of 86 miscarriages at a specific hospital:
“Normally, it’s only five or six stillbirths every year. So, about one stillbirth every two months is the usual rate,” he said. “So, to suddenly get to 86 stillbirths in six months, that’s highly unusual. But, the most important confirmation that we have from the Waterloo, Ontario report was that all of the [mothers of the] 86 stillbirths were fully vaccinated.”
Still, this should suffice for now.
There is a more important issue, also vaccine induced, and that is the impact on fertility.
Time to bring up Nicki Minaj. Surprised to see her mentioned here?
The setting is a meeting of the FDA Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, on Sep 17, 2021.
Topic of the meeting:
“The committee will meet in open session to discuss Pfizer-BioNTech’s supplemental Biologics License Application for administration of a third dose, or “booster” dose, of the COVID- 19 vaccine, Comirnaty, in individuals 16 years of age and older.”
The full proceedings can be viewed on youtube here (cued to the right spot, see below).
Listening to Dr. Paul Alexander, starting at 4:58:44, during the public open hearing session:
"Under no condition, none, ZERO, is there any evidence that children should be indicated for this vaccine. There is NO risk of children, NO statistical view in terms of spreading and in terms of getting serious illness or dying from it. [Cites John Hopkins study] And we looked at the children in America that have died, and we found that save one most these children had at least one CD (concomitant disease) illness.
So the reality is that Covid is not a live ending, life threatening situation for children. Right now, the CDC and the NIH have not prosecuted the case as to why these children should be vaccinated. Period. I say, do NOT do this, and I beg your consideration! Thank you."
This you already know.
But I want you to really listen at what he said about a minute earlier. The speaker brings up studies on testicular adverse effects, and then mentions Nicki Minaj by name! "When Nicki Minaj brings that up, that is no joke!"
What did she tweet?

She got attacked from all over: how dare she question the Covid narrative? With her 25 million+ followers on Twitter, she has an audience larger that many of the MSN news anchors COMBINED.
Even if you google this story, the first few pages are ALL ‘debunking’ the message that Nicki had sent to her many followers, putting doubt in their minds about the vaccine.
Slate summarized it like this:
“Slate: Just to be very clear, what is the greater risk for a man’s sexual health: getting the COVID vaccine or not getting it?
Dr. Aaron Spitz, urologist: The greater risk is not getting the vaccine because it’s very hard to have good sex when you’re dead.”
You might remember this whole episode. It was important, as it was one of the first instances of the stranglehold of the media being broken, through famous stars who had the courage to speak up, and stand their ground, reaching millions of their followers.
And as a shout-out to a friend from FreeAtlantis who was a professional researcher, and because it is simply a fantastic little tidbit of information (and a model for us all: share truth, even on the accounts of big name stars! Wake up the normies!):
Point is, even with the warnings in studies back then that pointed out the high accumulation of lipid particles from the vaccines in the testes and ovaries, which were ignored, we now have articles and studies LITERALLY CONFIRMING what Minaj had stated: there IS an effect on male fertility.
First, this study:
Link to the study is here.
This study ‘was performed during the first and second waves of COVID-19 infection in Europe, [so] none of the men were vaccinated against COVID-19.” But the question is: would the synthetic spike protein of the vaccines induce the same effect on sperm quality? At the time, we and many others, critical of the vaccines, would suggest it would, but this was laughed away and ignored.
But now we have another, similar study, that specifically and definitively answers that question:
Link to the study is here.
Yes, the vaccines, with their synthetic spike protein, induce the same harmful effect on sperm quality, and thus, fertility.
The DMED database shows also an increase in FEMALE infertility of 471%!
I think that both cases of male and female infertility are the main driver for this drop in birth rates. This is a very serious safety signal, that needs to be checked carefully in the coming months to see if it is temporary, or not. And it should call into question the whole vaccination drive.
This attack on fertility is not unsurprising, and likely not a coincidence, either: the elites have long openly talked about forced sterilization, as a means to control populations. Here is ‘Studies in Family Planning, number Thirty-Eight’ from The Population Council. (Yes, those guys.)
And no, this is not just ‘theoretical’, as this video shows. From it’s description:
“CHD Films Presents — The chilling, harrowing story of how a World Health Organization (WHO) population control experiment, under the guise of a vaccination program, resulted in the sterilization of millions of women in Africa without their knowledge or consent.”
If you look at VAERS and DMED, there is so much wrong with this vaccine, and it’s very unfortunate (?) choice of the most toxic part of the Covid-19 virus: the spike protein, that the effects on fertility might be ‘coincidence’, unintended. There is indeed no direct data that would prove that infertility was a direct effect that the originators of the virus sought to unleash on the world, so I am not making that claim.
But I am stating I am not surprised.
It fits with the Neo-Malthusian frame of thinking of the elites, wanting to reduce ‘overpopulation’. With force and deceit, if needed.
The emergence of all the evidence of the bioweapon labs also points in the same direction: moral boundaries have been crossed that should never be crossed.
This safety signal that is being pointed out in the birth rates, is a very serious one. We need to keep an eye on this, and when confirmed in coming months, demand a stop to vaccination, a review of the process that allowed such vaccines to be given to people, and severe consequences for those involved at the highest levels. Nuremberg 2.0, gallows and all. This would be a crime against humanity, of unfathomable proportions.
If the coming months show a maintained much lower birth rate, this is another conspiracy theory confirmed, but this time one I hoped would remain wrong. The implications are huge, and will cause serious mental, social and economic problems down the road.
You cannot maintain our current level of civilization without a certain number of people. The incredible diversification of jobs demands huge numbers of people to do each job.
And imagine the outcry when people find out that their ability to procreate has been stolen from them. Some might and will applaud it, as they think it means ‘less people’, and thus ‘saves the planet’. They are wrong.
Without a generation to pass on what you have been given, adding, hopefully, something of your own, what is, on a very basic level, the purpose of our lives?
The situation is not as harrowing as the movie Children of Men portrayed (a must watch, if you haven’t already!), but the warning is clear.
To be carefully monitored…
With that warning, I need to issue a second warning, this time directly to all of us.
Don’t just copy/paste what others write (and that includes me). Check what they say. Check their sources, and verify it. Especially if it is a big deal what they purport to be true.
A huge drop in birth rate linked to the vaccines for Covid, is a HUGE deal. So be careful.
Several stories and posts on various social media also included numbers from Taiwan.
One is from a recent ‘Latest News’ issue from the Taiwanese Dept. of Household Registration, called ‘Household registration statistics data analysis in May 2022’. The one that is circulating is from June 10, 2022, and it states, among other statistics, “There were 9,442 babies born in May 2022 which decreased 23.24% compared with the same month last year. The average showed that a baby was born about every 4.7 minutes.” A 23,34% DROP IN BABIES BORN! Unreal! Forward it all over!
Other sources include this graph:
This is, however, WRONG.
First, the Taiwanese birth rate has NOT been steady just above 8% for the last decade. Starting from 2009, it has seen a small increase, and has plummeted ever since 2016: 8.5, 9.9, 8.5, 9.0, 9.1, 8.8, 8.2, 7.7, 7.5, 7.0, and provisionally for 2022, 6.6. When making that graph, they might have taken an average for the past decade, given that rate to each of the preceding 10 years, and taken 23.34% off that average for 2022. Second, there is no 23.34% drop in birth rate for 2022, not even for May 2022, the month that number came from: it was a 23.34% drop compared to the same month the previous year. There are high drops all over the last 2 years, this by itself means nothing.
Taiwan is an outlier, as the Covid pandemic didn’t really break out in Taiwan until end of March 2022 or mid April (!!). There was a very small uptick in cases in end of May, beginning of June 2021, which prompted the start of the vaccination that by July 15 (when there were for the first time more than 1000 cases/day) had over 50 million doses administered, about 215 doses per 100 people, with a vaccination degree of about 90%!
This shows several things:
1) That the virus itself is NOT the cause of the decline in birth rate.
2) That the vaccination didn’t stop the country from being hit with the pandemic.
3) That there still might be a safety signal in birth rate.
But we need a closer look, before we can include the Taiwan data in this safety signal, as well. I took all the numbers from the first 5 months (Jan-May) of the last 4 years, as those are the only ones we have data on for 2022 so far. I then calculated the average birth numbers, and the percentage of decline. If the decline seen in 2022, with March, April, May fully in the 8-9 month range after the vaccination campaign got under steam in Taiwan, is larger than the decline in the preceding years, we can add it. If not, it would be either an outlier, or it would belie the other data, or at best caution the interpretation of a direct link to the vaccinations. (With missing data for a specific month, I’d take the average of the preceding and next month). Not a really scientific approach, but it is close enough to give at least ballpark figures. Any experts in statistics: feel free to correct me, I know I am doing this wrong.
Here are the data:
And put together compared to the full year data:
This shows that the first 5 months of 2020 are a bit of an anomaly, dropping 10%, when the whole year only drops 7.87%. But we see that those first 5 months can be either well below (2017), about the same (2019) or well above (2020, 2021) the yearly decrease. So while 2022 seems to be a significant drop, we will need the rest of the year to see if that pattern holds, or not. Taiwan has seen her birth rate (and fertility rate) steadily drop, but not uniformly. Which means that while Taiwan appears to fit as an example, so far, we cannot conclusively say it does fit the observations from the other countries.
As such, I don’t include it as an example in favor, nor against, the safety signal that seems to be appearing.
If we are indeed to be the New Media, and be Citizen Journalists, we need to hold ourselves to very high standards. Admit when we don’t know something, and verify, verify, verify everything before we spread something. Easy to forget when sharing and forwarding memes (ahum, I might have, once or twice), but unforgivable when writing articles. At that level, we NEED to adhere to proper standards. No excuses. And if something slips by, anyway, we need to immediately and openly correct it.
Let’s not do what we are mad about in the Mainstream Media!
All is well.
I saw yesterday where the boogeyman to blame is climate change. It's disgusting. If that's the case, we would see this all over.
Friends of mine have daughters who are trying to get pregnant. One is in 3rd round of IVF and she is only 29. I did not ask about vax status since they are in this now for a couple of hundred grand.
Tried to point out to another friend that all cause mortality is up across the board. Her mind goes to no one was seeing their doctor for the last couple of years - which is part of it - but I am working to get her over the hump to get her to see 'and what ELSE changed?'
Arn, thank You and God bless 🙏 🙌