As usual you've done an exemplary job of articulating your position, backed with solid research and analysis. I know it was hard for you to write this‐‐if it means anything, it was very hard (emotionally) for me to read it. I don't want to think that these revelations could be true about the country I love.... but I think many of us, like you, have come to this unfortunate and sad realization. I think I started waking up during the Clinton administration with their Chinese connections and their push for universal healthcare. But these last three years have been red pills on steroids. It's absolutely mind-numbing to even try to grasp the depth and breadth of the elitist cabal's mendacity and corruption.

Kudos to you for wading into the filth of this swamp to analyze and document what's happened, and make some sense of it to everybody else with another mind-blowing article.

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I do appreciate the time and energy you have spent in compiling all of these finer points of world affairs and I also appreciate the sentiment of your assessment and the analogy of the boiling frog. I do feel the need to clarify that it is not "The West" or the Americans or America that is the aggressor in all of this. Americans are fairly peaceful people. It isn't the Americans that are the problem. It is the U.S. governmental services corporations and the USA governmental services corporations who are not only at war with each other but are also in the business of fomenting wars for profit globally. These two corporations, one Municipal and one Territorial, are not only in league with each other, but they are controlled by foreign interests and have nothing to do with the American people because they do not represent the American people or our interests anymore. The Territorial government operates under the constitution of the United States of America which is a debt agreement/contract the American Federation has with the British Crown who controls our military. The Municipal government operates under the constitution of the United States and it only ever provided for the internal government of the Municipality of Washington DC. This is the Debt agreement/contract the American Federation has with the Pope. The two Principals to these contracts colluded a long time ago to conspire against the American people in the secret Treaty of Verona and under Letters of Marque and Reprisals, the International Bar Association Esquires were unleashed upon our system of government and they hijacked it back in the 1860's. Abraham Lincoln became the first "President" of the British Territorial government corporation that immediately drove this country away from our republican form of government and he immediately bankrupted that corporation and stuck the American people with the bill. The same thing has now happened several times and the American people have been duped and kept in the dark about this the entire time. There is a very big difference between being a birthright sovereign American and being conscripted into a federal citizenship. US Citizenship is a creation of Congress. It is a fiction which bestows certain privileges but has no unalienable rights attributable to it. Both of the Roosevelt brothers did their fair share of committing treason against the American people through shady "Acts of Congress" and Executive Orders" and all of it has been tracked back to Slavery on paper under the guise of "Emancipation." Lincoln was a Treasonous Rat and a BAR Attorney and FDR and his brother were War Criminals and Traitors to this country. That monstrosity in Washington DC and in Quantico, Virginia is not our government and has never been our government. All of these matters have been brought to the attention of the highest courts in the world and have been proven fully and undisputed. Now we are in the process of forcing the involuntary liquidation of tens of thousands of corporations who have been party to this worldwide conspiracy to topple all national governments in favor of a global one world, corporation controlled prison planet with a drastically reduced population as their retarded agenda. There greatest failing was and is that this can never happen and won't happen. They lost before they ever began it all hundreds of years ago.

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It grieves me to have come to the same conclusion. I served my country with pride in the late 70's. I believed we really were a beacon of hope and freedom and maybe we really were at that time to a degree. Now I see nothing but wokeism, anti Christian policies, anti freedom, bullying, badgering, lying, cheating, perversion and on and on. We have become Sodom, Gomorra and the old Soviet Union combined. Our system of selecting leaders is so corrupted that there is no hope outside of GOD intervening of saving this nation. And therein lies my hope.

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