AGR, I'll have to reread your interpretations to react fully.

But off the top, I wonder why 4-Psyop chose that particular female vocalist at front / end of video?

She sings like Norah Jones.

Her voice is the most lingering-haunting takeaway for me. . .voice style like a ghost.

Any way we can find out who she is?

Every minute detail probably sends a message for these 4-Psyop folks!

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You ask, we research.

This is a version by the writer of the song, "Last Goodbye", by Eric Kinney, sung by Danica Dora.

See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eE_ztBfWFFU

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Ha! When I went to your link there was another video in rightside list with both Eric Kinney and Danica Dora performing the song!

Here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrO0Cj1qSos

Comments below vid show how many are now associating the song with 4-Psyop video. . .hahahaha proves their effective psyop technique.

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Absolutely outstanding work! The video too is amazing in part because, as you point out, there are so many possible meanings, or none. No matter the intent, it is highly successful in at least drawing attention and those most drawn to it are exactly the type Psy-Ops would want.

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If you make your references too openly, and too rigorously (in a way that doesn't allow any other interpretation), it simply jumps off the page.

Better to hide it in plain sight, I'd say.

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Intriguing & thought provoking synopsis. Interesting plausible perspective. Thx for making us put our thinking caps on...discernment.

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Something about that penultimate text: "What, are we?"

Normally this would be a call to action for the curious viewer to find out more. But by adding a comma after "what", it changes the meaning to a form of denial: "Who, me? You must be mistaken."

Which seems to hearken back to the previous text: "Ghosts in the Machine" (Are we really ghosts? Or are we real?)

Or possibly it's a tacit acknowledgement of the first question all the way at the beginning of the video: "Have you ever wondered/who's pulling the strings?"

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I did notice that comma, but somehow didn't remember to put it in my write-up.

But you went a step further, and linked it also to the first question: excellent work, excellent link.

It is probably both, and something else we haven't thought of yet (as with most other elements in this video). With your permission, I'd like to add this to this article, with proper reference to you, of course.

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Of course. Glad to be of assistance.

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