I appreciate you pointing out that if Crooks was chosen to be the patsy, then the first shot would be from the professional assassin, as that would be the only shot guaranteed to be a surprise. But if the trajectory of the first shot lines up with the roof, then it reasons that Crooks took the first shot.

I'll add that if a professional assassin were involved, then Trump dies. Maybe the first shot misses due to Trump's luck. But a 2nd and 3rd shots would not all miss.

All evidence & logic for me points to Crooks being the only hopeful assassin shooting that day. It is possible Crooks had an informant, even a recruiter familiar with the Butler rally, but the hypothesis of a second assassin does not square with what we know so far.

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Anthony Colpo is dead set this proves it was a hoax. What are your thoughts? Laughable to me


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Interesting. But why did he lift his eyes up and away from the scope just before the first shot?

I saw another video of these two snipers and did not recognize any of that, but I saw a strange move of the second sniper in that video, almost as if he was ducking in response to hearing a gunshot fired.

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The reason the sniper raised his eyes (and body) up was because he thought there was another sniper on that roof (where Crooks was), as there was supposed to have been.

The theory that the 3 shots cane from that sniper doesn't account for the fact the the 1st bullet then continued on to hit the railing and hydraulic hose.

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"And that he did see blood, a good video shows that: [blood on ear after first shot]"


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Who was first on the roof? There was a back pack/gear from someone that supposedly "went to treat" Crooks that was on that roof before the SS and other police, according to the other police who were next on the scene before the SS guy? Extra shells could have easily been planted. FBI or SS, or police testimony, for the purpose of elimination of conspiracy, should be downgraded. The only thing I can clearly tell is the first three shots an the second burst of 5 sound like different weapons. They sure as hell seems like different shooters too. The first sounds seemed like a trained sniper. The time distance between the sonic snap and the sound of the first firing seems close range ( under 300 yards) Only one weapon was found with Crooks. Strangely, a distance from Crooks. The fact that it was moved is very strange? Was it thrown by Crooks in an attempt to surrender? It would be sacrilege to touch or move it to disturb the crime scene. The cadence of the second set of 5 says different shooter to me. IMHO the 8 shells by Crooks is the one thing that doesn't fit. Look at the roof snipers who were sited in on Crooks. Those first shots surprised the crap out of them. They backed off their scopes. Would they have done that if it were Crooks? I don't think so. They were looking to see where that came from. Then shot through the stands? Was that also a distraction shot? I saw an earlier picture of Trumps suit with a straight line tear in slight downward angle. Sure looked like a bullet grazed his suit. Nobody seems to be attempting to calculate that angle. Lots of smoke and mirrors.

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This audio should put to rest exactly how many guns fired those first eight shots: https://www.tiktok.com/@realdjstew724/video/7396462647660580126

After hearing this audio, anyone who still thinks there were multiple shooters needs all kinds of convoluted facts to exist, for which there is zero evidence, and to cherry pick the actual evidence in order to make multiple shooters work.

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