Amazing follow up to your prior Kakhovka dam analysis — and beyond.

I will have to re-read the parts about the release of water from the dam cascade (and don my strongest reading glasses!) — as I’m still not certain as to the implications of the data. But there is much to digest!

Many thanks again and kudos —

(I read this on the day it landed in my mailbox, but in looking again for replies and any of your further remarks, I saw that no comments had been posted on this equally thorough follow-up! Since new reports attempting to prove ‘Who dunnit?’ are still appearing today, I will renew efforts to get these out there.)

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I was thinking that weather & precip data might add a little marrow to the soup. Here’s some info so far:

2022 was apparently a drought year, ”…The extreme heat, combined with rainfall during a time of year when precipitation would normally fall as snow, led to record ice sheet melt, with around a quarter of the ice sheet (442,000 km2) under surface melt on 3 September”… (& More might be gleaned from the source): https://www.ecmwf.int/en/about/media-centre/news/2023/european-climate-marked-heat-and-drought-2022-report

& May ‘23 precip map: https://www.climate.gov/media/15307 (appears higher than avg especially in E Ukraine).

Just some thoughts. Your clear and astute thinking cuts through the data like a chef’s knife; I, on the other hand am gifted with but a rubber mayo spreader, so your incisive analyses are doubly appreciated.

Thanks again.

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