Wonderful thoughts. Kind of makes sense. I am not into belittling folks on any level. I say this with respect and regard to you and your podcast.

When the final curtain comes down, it is all about good vs. Evil. That's to say, we are watching the final act in this world. Nobody knows just when, but God himself. We are witnessing the biblical beginning of sorrows. It is like a signal, a precursor to the coming fulfillment of biblical prophecy. God is waiting for the last however long it will take, the remaining mankind to turn their hearts to Jesus. He is the way, the truth, and the light. No man comes to the Father but by Him.

Salvation is a simple plan. God will receive all who has a personal relationship with Him, through Jesus.

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Thank you for your comment, I don't feel belittled in the slightest.

"When the final curtain comes down..." Agreed.

Hence my specific words explaining how I am strictly talking about the 2 answers to the same fundamental question. "When I indicated that I am hesitant to cast this election as one between ‘good’ and ‘evil’, I am focusing strictly on the philosophical question before us. The choice between matter+more or ‘only matter’ is not inherently good vs. evil. Good and evil come into play once you start to build onto that foundation..."

It helps the conversation if you can keep the starting point clear and very focused, and build up from there. Quickly it will become apparent if your foundations are rock, or sand.

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I appreciate the way that you took it to a worldview perspective. It seems like you're on the right track. I became aware of worldviews when we were homeschooling years ago and looked at our worldview compared to others. Honestly, I hadn't yet put the Harris worldview into those terms but they ring true to me. Thank you for this concise description.

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There is indeed a great darkness over this world which is always ruled by ignorance and fear, the generals or concubines of money, the real god of this world.

This country is founded upon the bedrock of the right to fight back, as ACKNOWLEDGED in most of our Bills of Rights, based on the concept of NATURAL RIGHTS vs the old concept of all being born subject to some king or god appointed king or ancient sadistic god whose primary goal is always to RULE.


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