Wake up and smell the coffee America, what happened in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13, 2024 was a hasty and reckless plan by the DEEP STATE to whack Donald J. Trump. As I have stated to my wife for years, Barack Hussein Obama is overplaying his hand, both in deeds and pride:


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As stated above, I have told my wife for years Barack Hussein Obama is overplaying his hand. Not only in his deeds, but also in his pride. Accordingly, methinks Barack Hussein Obama had to greenlight this failed CIA assassination of Donald J. Trump and here are the reasons for my theory of BHO's involvement:

Do you remember that time in 2016 when Attorney General Loretta Lynch decided she would take a private meeting with Bill Clinton on her plane as it was parked on the tarmac in Phoenix – while Bill’s wife, Hillary Clinton (when she was Obama’s Secretary of State), was under federal investigation for using a secret and unlawful private email server at her New York home, to receive thousands of top secret and classified government emails?

With the obvious corruption of the Phoenix tarmac meeting in mind; it is my humble opinion that our Constitutional Republic permanently fell during the 2016 presidential election cycle on July 5 when FBI Director James Comey ignored the rule of law and “exonerated” Hillary Clinton for the illegal server and the thousands of her classified emails. At that point in American history, the “rule of law” in the USA began its demise and because the constitutional provisions for remedy to the ensuing felonious acts and omissions (think FISA Court - “Crossfire Hurricane”) of James Comey, (et al) were never pursued; our Constitutional Republic has fallen and is irreparable…... and the 2022 FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago along with the four unconstitutional indictments of Donald J. Trump and the “Bragg show trial in New York”, is my proof We the People now live in a banana republic.

[However, with Saturday's (7/13/2024) failed CIA assassination of DJT, the term "banana republic" is no longer accurate. Fascist/CIA/JUNTA/Stasi is closer to the DEEP STATE than "banana republic".]

Please be cognizant: The Comey/Hillary Clinton exoneration was three weeks prior to a July 2016 Oval Office meeting orchestrated by President Barack Hussein Obama and Valerie Jarrett and attended by Vice President Joe Biden, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, national security adviser Susan Rice and CIA Director John Brennan.

According to CIA Director John Brennan’s handwritten notes, Brennan informed attendees of “alleged approval by Hillary Clinton" on July 26, 2016, of “a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services.” [In other words, a scandal about collusion with Russia.] According to a CIA memo, the intent of this plan was “distracting the public from Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server.”

Later it was shown that the plan was enacted via the Steele dossier, which Robby Mook, Clinton’s former campaign director, acknowledged under oath in 2022 to have procured. So explosive were Brennan’s notes that U.S. senators needed a federal court order, issued four years after Obama’s Oval Office meeting, to wrest a copy of it from the Department of Justice. Released along with Brennan’s notes was a copy of a CIA memo sent to FBI Director James Comey and Peter Strzok, (the deputy assistant director of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division and manager of FBI’s “Crossfire Hurricane”), delineating the Barack Hussein Obama’s Oval Office meeting’s discussions and Obama's directives to the intelligence agencies.

That is why I posit; Barack Hussein Obama greenlighted the 7/13/2024 failed CIA assassination of Donald J. Trump.

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Copied for its valuable timeline information. CIA asset Obama looks VERY Good for this. And it shows a certain personality: arrogant, contemptuous of the public and the law, impatient of restraint and standards of decency, overconfident in one's omnipotence, grandiose, vain to the point of delusion, entitled, rules are for ordinary low-class human losers and not geniuses like his Excellency. It's a psychopathic pattern. CIA stinks of it.

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I just now recalled the Obamas' former cook with his tell-all book which disappeared faster than he did after he decided to go paddle-boarding 50 feet off Obama's dock despite not being an employee anymore and then drowning his six foot tall self in 4 feet of water... Yah ... a certain, um, ODOUR there shall we say?

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Is Barack Hussein Obama gay? Are the persistent rumors true? If so, that means the Obamas have been lying to We the People since BHO entered politics in Chicago in 1997 and those two rose to the White House by “deceit and flatteries”.

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Bottom line - the illegitimate criminal deep state Biden regime is fully responsible for the attempt to kill Trump. It was an inside job, including the FBI, the DHS, and the Secret Service.

Our "government" is the enemy of the American people.

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And the more we know actual facts and truth, the stronger our case becomes.

Not just some wacked 'tin foil hatters', but serious accusations and complaints that can reach those still on the fence.

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Note--"Biden" not "Trump"

"The placement of the 2 sniper teams behind Biden is a bit weird, especially given that there only a few such teams: it would have made much more sense to spread them out, to increase the angles and lines of sight of the surrounding area."

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Fantastic summary, thank you

Have you considered the sound evidence where other gun experts analyzed the audio from the media videos and measured the distance a bullet traveled from being fired to hitting, and how they found shots 6 and 7 came from 800 ft and 1100-1500 feet respectively and could not have come from Crooks?

If that audio analysis is reliable, then it would suggest the planting of 3-5 extra bullets on that roof. Then I’d want to know if Crooks planted them himself knowing there was a further out shooter and he was supposed to help obfuscate or confuse with the extra bullets, or - if the first officer on that roof could have planted them.

8 bullets found on that roof doesn’t mesh with the sound analysis. Below is a link to the one I watched.


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Ironic typo alert:

"The placement of the 2 sniper teams behind Biden is a bit weird, especially given that there only a few such teams: it would have made much more sense to spread them out, to increase the angles and lines of sight of the surrounding area."

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Oi, what a mistake! Thanks for catching that!

I hope I don't get a visit from Secret Service now to ask about what I was thinking ;D

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I'm in AWE of your diligent work! I will have to take some time to study it. Bottom line: Crooks (whoever he was) did not and could not have acted alone; high level complicity in a serious (but seemingly hasty and incompetent) attempt to murder Trump is likely beyond a reasonable doubt.

I think of the Preponderance of the Evidence standard. Since we cannot know the inner workings of the "support elements" so as to finger the supporting culprits for criminal charges we must go to circumstantial evidence. The preponderance of evidence standard of proof, as I understand it, is as follows:

The weight and quantity of circumstantial evidence against the accused make it likely that the offence took place. This is the standard that got O.J. Simpson convicted of "wrongful death". In this case the quantity and quality of circumstantial evidence makes it impossible to believe the shooter did not have support from some people in official positions.

On the upside: things have improved since November 22, 1963. The evidence is coming out in days, not decades.

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'At the hearing this week, Cheatle answered that there are no records of the communication between the USSS agents that day.'

Heaven help me, I watched the entire 4.5 hours. She didn't divulge much, but I do remember her saying they have records of SS phone calls and text messages but they did not record the SS radio communications.

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Aha, I will update that bit! Thank you for that clarification!

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Jul 24·edited Jul 24Liked by ArnGrimR

'This is 2 minutes before the shooting (check the C-Span full video, the above video matches with Trump’s speech at 6:17, Trump gets shot at 8:10))'

I think you mean Trump gets shot at 6:10.

'The placement of the 2 sniper teams behind Biden is a bit weird'

Extremely so 🤣

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Jul 24·edited Jul 24Liked by ArnGrimR

'With that absurd line about the roof slope...we cannot but wonder who made her say that.'

Indeed, this is the sole reason I wasted 4.5 hours Monday, and am 3 hours into the Department of Homeland Security Oversight Committee hearing so far—a much better hearing BTW https://homeland.house.gov/hearing/examining-the-assassination-attempt-of-july-13th-2/

The Sloped Roof has been mentioned by quite a few people, including my new crush Rep Fallon who demonstrated the shooter's 1:12 roof is ADA compliant, suitable for wheelchairs. But, sadly, no one pressed Cheatle on *why* she ever let such a ridiculous statement emanate from her pie hole. That's what I want to know.

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The bullet came within less than an inch of not only assassinating Trump, but of causing utter chaos and perhaps a kill shot on our Republic, given the potential of outright civil war which certainly would have been further facilitated by the perps. (Think 2014 Maiden Revolution in Ukraine).

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"Now she has resigned, some act as if that is ‘justice’ or ‘the right consequence’."

Resigning doesn't exempt one from testifying to actions they took while on the job, does it?

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'a stepped and cumbersome system for relaying messages between the different branches present'

That's an obvious weakness and was discussed quite a lot at the DHS oversight committee hearing. We only got to hear from the Pennsylvania State Police Commissioner and the president of the police union so far, but yet illuminated quite a bit about how these things work. They will probably get local law enforcement to testify too. Cheatle was a no-show.


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There is also a video of someone pointing a gun into the van and then pulling it back.

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Do you happen to have a link to that video?

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..."The placement of the 2 sniper teams behind Biden “ Ooops.

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Ooops, indeed. What a mistake, I hope I don't get Secret Service calling me ;)

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Man oh man, what a great stack you did here. It’s like I’m Jim Garrison in Oliver’s JFK except I don’t have to wait 30 years. Fantastic.... or maybe more like David Ferrie. Thanks for the superb work.

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Naaaa...two shooters. One of them was in the 2nd story of the building behind the building Crooks was on. I'd do a deep dive investigation into whoever was in that room with the open window. WHY would they be stationed in there? Limited view. But they could see Crooks. If Crooks missed, they offed him. If he made a kill, they still would have killed him. They had to cover their asses. Why do the pictures of Crooks show him to be on the other side of the building after getting hit? Because that is where he was. Yet the graphic pictures from the MSM show him to be in front of that 2nd story window. Where he ACTUALLY was, if he was any way of a good shot, Trump would be dead. The angle from that position wouldn't have mattered if Trump turned his head. From the window...perfect line up and if Trump turned, a miss could happen and did What happened to Chris Martenson's breakdown? IT WAS PERFECT and made the most sense and yet I can't find it ANYWHERE except HDC. Watch this.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDWhWCCgPnk&t=313s I can hear THREE shots that do not echo and sound more like a .308 round and then three that were pretty rapid that sound like a 5.56 and they echoed. The first three didn't echo because the ECHO was absorbed by the room. The second set ECHOED because they were outside. First three, one winged Trump two others into the crowd or who knows where. The last three all into the crowd or who knows where. First three are from that 2nd story window. BET....Why hasn't SOMEONE said...I SHOT CROOKS! Because no one on the outside did. It was the shooter from the 2nd story window that killed Crooks.

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No, their first shot does not line up with the know hits of that shot, namely Trump's ear and the railing of the bleacher.

Unless you want to posit they only shot in the second volley, but then there are even more questions: why did they shoot at the people, with Trump no longer exposed?

Take a look at my next article, a guideline on how to assess the various theories.

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A new video surfaced today with the closest proximity to the shooter. https://www.the-sun.com/news/12009718/thomas-matthew-crooks-trump-rally-shooting/

Some anomalies:

Congressman Crane reveals Crooks' home was so clean as to resemble a medical lab from their previous briefing. Interestingly, he made reference to whether or not there was "silverware" in the home or trash. What's that all about?


Interesting testimony from a local photojournalist:

"It was then that I saw Trump fall behind the podium. My immediate reaction was to get the camera pointed back at the stage. I was using a 400 mm lens, which is heavy and cumbersome. As I saw the scene come into focus through the camera viewfinder, that’s when I witnessed the Secret Service agents pile on top of Trump and other law enforcement with rifles drawn. Security had fired some sort of riot control agent into the crowd."

What kind of "agent" would they "fire" into a crowd?

"Cellphone signals cut out immediately thereafter, with many phones displaying SOS signals. I couldn’t transmit photos to our newsroom right away, and law enforcement were forcibly evacuating the crowds, including media."

Who has the authority and ability to cut off cellphone signals? Why? Could every device be scanned by AI prior to leaving the area?


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