Each state is supposed to have emergency plans for any type of emergency. FEMA has resources they can make available to the state. You don’t want FEMA running your emergencies. You want their assistance. Louisiana failed to have the ability to implement their emergency plan during Katrina so now we FEMA coming and taking over. Not good for locals.
You're right, the state is the first level of response. I did mention in my first article how Gov. Roy Cooper is absolutely mishandling this.
FEMA is there to support, but their new direction gives them a 'moral directive' to push and get more control. "We're from the government and we're here to help!"
A very excellent and detailed description, report, and disclosure! There is a caveat to any solution imagined. Our Government is not interested in stopping the weather modification technology. It would seem they are both aware of and a party to crimes against humanity via their silence. They have had detailed reports, both of specific chemicals they are using, and an individual or two of the companies involved. The first report I was privy to was pre 2010. There have been others. It is extremely difficult for us all as we learn of all things that we have both been lied to about ND things that have been hidden from us intentionally. May God help and keep us from all harm.
Thank you for this. I have been trying to argue the same point with DEWs. As far as needing a permit to help those in need, this too has been an issue for a long time. Back when the government was shut down under Obama, someone volunteered to mow some area of D.C. and was not allowed to because there were not licensed to do so. Earlier, I believe, people have been arrested for giving food to the homeless. The food had not been inspected by a federal agency to ensure it was safe and healthy, you see.
I did not know that DEI was the reason behind FEMA seizing aid materials but it is not all surprising.
Wow. That’s incredible. Who would have thought such a thing. DEI or DIE which is more appropriate.
Each state is supposed to have emergency plans for any type of emergency. FEMA has resources they can make available to the state. You don’t want FEMA running your emergencies. You want their assistance. Louisiana failed to have the ability to implement their emergency plan during Katrina so now we FEMA coming and taking over. Not good for locals.
You're right, the state is the first level of response. I did mention in my first article how Gov. Roy Cooper is absolutely mishandling this.
FEMA is there to support, but their new direction gives them a 'moral directive' to push and get more control. "We're from the government and we're here to help!"
A very excellent and detailed description, report, and disclosure! There is a caveat to any solution imagined. Our Government is not interested in stopping the weather modification technology. It would seem they are both aware of and a party to crimes against humanity via their silence. They have had detailed reports, both of specific chemicals they are using, and an individual or two of the companies involved. The first report I was privy to was pre 2010. There have been others. It is extremely difficult for us all as we learn of all things that we have both been lied to about ND things that have been hidden from us intentionally. May God help and keep us from all harm.
Thank you for this. I have been trying to argue the same point with DEWs. As far as needing a permit to help those in need, this too has been an issue for a long time. Back when the government was shut down under Obama, someone volunteered to mow some area of D.C. and was not allowed to because there were not licensed to do so. Earlier, I believe, people have been arrested for giving food to the homeless. The food had not been inspected by a federal agency to ensure it was safe and healthy, you see.
I did not know that DEI was the reason behind FEMA seizing aid materials but it is not all surprising.