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In any conflict, it is absolutely crucial to pick the right targets. Miscalculating what and where the main force of the enemy is, will likely cost you the war, at least every battle until you correct that mistake. It is easy to aim your sights and ire at the wrong targets. Part of warfare is psychological, trying to trick the other side into thinking the real threat is coming from somewhere else. In WWII, for example, General Patton was made commander of the First United States Army Group (FUSAG), a mainly fictional field army that was being trained and prepared to make landing in Pas-de-Calais, the shortest point of France from Great-Britain, and logistically the most easy point to invade mainland Europe. Having Patton lead that force, much to his chagrin, was another masterstroke of deception: the Germans could not, and in fact did not, believe that one of the most effective generals the Allied forces had, up there with Montgomery, would be tied down with a fake army.
So Germany focused their defensive efforts mainly on the coastline in and around Pas-de-Calais, and were completely surprised when D-Day took place on June 6 1944 off the coast of Normandy!
Fast-forward to today.
The internet is abuzz with stories about mining rights of lithium and quartz, and about all kinds of technologies that allows to control weather. Such easy and highly visible targets, that are, if you ask me, mostly irrelevant.
On the stories on the lithium and quartz I can be very short: this is about corruption. Corruption is human and of all times. It requires a strong criminal prosecution, perhaps some tweaks on existing anticorruption laws and better oversight/checks, but that is as far as it goes. Those involved with be Democrats, Republicans, Christians, atheists, liberals and conservatives. The lure of money is truly bipartisan. If corruption was all there was to this, we’d be lucky.
Next, the geoengineering charges.
This is where things get a bit trickier. Scouring the internet it is clear that geoengineering is real. There ARE attempts to influence the weather. In April this year, Dubai was suddenly hit with massive flooding, after a year’s worth of rain fell in a single storm. Seeing images of a desert country inundated was rather shocking, and very unexpected! Trying to explain this rare sight, many pointed at ‘cloud seeding’ as the culprit.
That is a technique were certain droplet incubators, small particles called aerosols, are released in the atmosphere. These particles become the nucleus around which the water vapor condenses into droplets, which then become too heavy and fall down as rain (or snow). These particles can be introduced into the atmosphere from the ground or from airplanes. This is used widely all over the world, including in the US.
Even the DailyMail admitted as such, and wrote “Since the early 1990s, the UAE has used a technique called cloud seeding to trigger rain to fall where there might otherwise be none.” Interestingly, the article blows hot and cold. First, they offer the obligatory tempering voice: “However, Dr Friederike Otto, a leading expert in weather attribution from Imperial College London, told MailOnline that cloud seeding is not to blame. Dr Otto says: 'Cloud seeding cannot produce that kind of rain. You need a cloud that is close to forming rain anyway that you can then "tip over the edge" into rain.”
A few paragraphs later, however, they cite Johan Jaques, Senior Meteorologist at KISTERS: “'We have little control over the aftermath of cloud seeding – so little idea where exactly it is going to be raining.' He explains that this could lead to heavy rain in some regions while others are left in drought.”
Immediately, the media went in protection mode, and published articles to debunk that notion of cloud seeding being to blame for anything.
Still, a local article by KCRA explains one of the weak points of the idea of ‘weaponized weather control’: “Cloud seeding can't produce rain if most of the right ingredients for rain or snow aren't already present.”
So what is this cloud seeding, and does it work?
Scientific American gives a great explanation. It doesn’t offer much detail, but mentions the first attempt of cloud seeding, which involved a hurricane. “In 1947, Project Cirrus—a collaboration between GE and the U.S. military—made history as scientists’ first attempt to modify a hurricane. On Oct. 13, the operation dumped nearly 200 pounds of dry ice into a cyclone that was churning off the coast of Florida.” Scientific American doesn’t mention the results, but that seeding seemed to have some effect the day of the seeding itself (see the 70 year anniversary commemorative article about Project Cirrus published by NOAA).
The problem with this experiment was that the next day, the scientists had trouble locating the eye of the storm. It wasn’t where it was projected to be! Instead, it had taken a 135 degree left turn, and barreled into the East Coast, where 1 person died and $2 million in damage in Georgia and South Carolina was caused by the storm surge. An outraged public threatened with lawsuits, especially after the head of the GE laboratories had stated he was ‘99% sure’ that the storm had changed course because of the seeding. Only after a study was published where a hurricane followed a similar track with sudden turn did the threat of lawsuits disappear. It did dampen such hurricane cloud seeding research, which did not resume until 1962.
Scientific American continued, and explained how no experiment was able to show conclusive results. “To prove that cloud seeding has a real effect, scientists have to demonstrate that whatever outcome it produces would not have happened without it. That requires setting up an experiment with at least two tests—one with cloud seeding and one without it—in the same location and under identical weather conditions.” This is the main problem: scientifically, it is very difficult to prove such techniques work because storms and rainclouds in the atmosphere are highly dynamic and complex events that cannot be fully controlled.
Yet the article stated that research continued nonetheless: ““I think there’s a pretty easy explanation for why it continued,” French [Jeff French, an atmospheric scientist at the University of Wyoming] said. “Cloud seeding is rooted in a pretty solid, well-understood physical basis of why it should work.”” Such continued studies since 2018 have ‘indicate[d] that seeded clouds can produce around 5% to 15% more snowfall compared with areas where no cloud seeding took place.’
A groundbreaking study in 2020 shows clear results, using new radar methods and precipitation gauge measurements. Cloud seeding works, but it cannot generate a lot of precipitation, is what researchers found. What is not yet understood, is ‘How and when does it work? How effective is it under different conditions?’ Could an attempt to seed have caused much more precipitation than expected? Possible. But that requires proof of seeding operations actually having been carried out, knowledge of how, what, by who, for what reason, etc. As far as I know, we have ZERO such information. As such, this is fully the realm of speculation.
And yes, you can bring up the small blue balls, or HAARP, or laser beams, or the radar anomalies (granted, those seem very intriguing, but still not rising to the level of proof as too many questions remain). The main point remains: there is no proof of actual operations that attempted to steer, control or influence this hurricane. Some indications, and a whole lot of ‘possible’ scenarios that are simply guesses, nothing more. Because it is possible that something happened a certain way does not mean that it also happened that way.
I have seen interviews with people who sound and look credible, but without anything to back up their claims.
Another important point to consider: the best that can be done is influence, not ‘control’, such weather events. I challenge anyone to submit actual proof of full control. Haven’t found anything yet (which could be proof of my lack of research skills, too), but let me know if you think I missed something. But look at what you want to present first: does it really prove anything, or does it simply present a series of dots that people claim are connected? Are those dots connected by necessity? Are they unique and have one and only one possible explanation? If not, can any other explanation be ruled out?
If you are going to accuse anyone, the government, the deep state, some evil cabal or corporation, of consciously altering and steering powerful hurricanes, for whatever profit or benefit, you need to come with proof that matches the accusation you level. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
Then there is this:
It seems to support my own suspicion: this is NOT our enemy, NOT the real target, and we’d fool ourselves if we focus our attention and efforts on the wrong targets...
A last, but very important point: even if you can come with such evidence, it is still not enough to make ‘weather control’ the main issue. It simply is not. It’s a weapon, at best. The person or group wielding it is much more important, and the most crucial element would be to know why such geoengineering weapon was used, and to what end.
No, these storms are not about elections, either. Yes, the majority of the counties in North Carolina and Georgia that are hardest hit are indeed Republican. Yes, vultures like Politico have jumped on this chance to stoke the fires, when they headlined ‘The hurricane that could swing the election’. They wrote: “The precise location of some of the worst damage — Georgia and North Carolina — and the election-eve timing of the natural disaster means nearly every aspect of the recovery and response period will be refracted through a political lens. In fact, it’s already reshaping the presidential race in obvious and not-so-obvious ways, ranging from campaign messaging to turnout efforts to election administration.”
But look at Milton, which is now barreling down the Gulf towards Florida: aiming straight for Tampa and Orlando, Democrat strongholds.
Even worse for Democrats, Orlando is about the only area where voter registration showed a positive trend for Democrats:
Why would the group that sent Helene to punish and hinder Republicans in Georgia and North Carolina now try to hinder Democrats in the center of Florida? Using the same logic, this makes little sense.
So we need to look deeper. If anything, perhaps, the idea that ‘global warming’ is a threat, and that Trump is the enemy of global warming policies, as exemplified by his withdrawal from the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change mitigation. Which requires proof that these storms are induced and steered on purpose. Well, in this last case (to support the claim that this is aimed to bring climate change back to the foreground and use that to discredit Trump) any proof of intensification would be enough. Is there such evidence? I haven’t seen it yet.
Harris is trying to make Milton blatantly political, trying to insert herself into the disaster preparations in Florida. Governor DeSantis did not mince words, and absolutely destroyed that blatant politicizing:
“She has no role in this process. I'm in contact with the President of the United States. I'm in contact with FEMA director, I'm obviously managing all of our state agencies. We're supporting our local government - and I will say this. I've had storms under President Trump and President Biden and I've worked well with both of them. She is the first one who’s trying to politicize the storm, and she’s doing that just because of her campaign.. She’s trying to get some type of an edge. She knows she’s doing poorly and so she’s playing political games. I don’t have time for political games. I’ve got people whose lives are on the line..”
This brings us to what I think is the worst part of this storm and its aftermath.
The absolute disaster that is the government response. And worse, the ideology and governance theories underlying that disastrous response. THAT is the main enemy, as North Carolina is only a small part of that problem. It is a cancer that is eroding the whole country. Don’t make the mistake to let yourself be distract by the huge and shiny ‘problem’ of geoengineered hurricanes. Aim your ire at DEI, at the divisive, corrupt and incompetent bureaucracy that is being built and that is destroying the social fabric and coherence/stability of this country.
Let’s go straight to the core.
Here is the 2022-2026 FEMA Strategic Plan. According to FEMA herself, “The 2022-2026 FEMA Strategic Plan outlines a bold vision and three ambitious goals designed to address key challenges the agency faces during a pivotal moment in the field of emergency management.” Read through it yourself, it is absolutely incredible how FEMA has been hijacked, and transformed beyond recognition.
In the ‘Letter from the Administrator’, introducing the Strategic Plan, Deanne Criswell, FEMA Administrator, lays out the reasoning:
“This Strategic Plan identifies three ambitious goals we must achieve to address these challenges and to ensure we continue to be the FEMA our nation needs and deserves.
First, we must instill equity as a foundation of emergency management. Systems that foster inequality serve no one, especially in times of crisis. We must recognize that disasters affect individuals and communities differently, commit ourselves to reducing barriers to access, and deliver equitable outcomes for all whom we serve.
Second, we must lead the whole of community in climate resilience. We must recognize that we are facing a climate crisis and educate ourselves and the nation about the impacts our changing climate pose to the field of emergency management. We must integrate planning for future conditions, move away from incremental mitigation measures, and focus on large projects that protect infrastructure and community systems.
Third, we must promote and sustain a ready FEMA and prepared nation. We must recognize that the demands on emergency managers will only continue to increase. We must lean into this as a shared responsibility to prepare the nation’s emergency managers and ready ourselves and the larger federal government to meet an expanding mission.”
Deanna Criswell is an Airforce veteran of the 2001 Kuwait campaign and worked for FEMA under Obama. Later, she was the commissioner of the New York City Emergency Management Department, leading New York’s coronavirus response. In 2021 she was appointed to head FEMA as part of the Department of Homeland Security, to be led by Alejandro Mayorkas, where she herself was a DEI hire: “Biden taps Criswell as first woman to lead FEMA”, as The Hill titled.
Reuters reported about her in 2020 in an article titled ‘Little-used Navy hospital ship Comfort leaves New York after treating COVID-19 patients’.
“New York City health commissioner Deanne Criswell said she would review whether the Comfort had been necessary for the COVID-19 response.
"We didn't know where we were going to go with the amount of patients that were going to need to be seen at the hospitals and the level of severity," she said.
"We're gonna have a lot of time to kind of look at the things that we would have done differently, especially as we continue with the response, prepare for recovery, and potentially what might come in the fall and as we keep hearing about a potential second wave." New York City has suffered some 13,000 deaths from the coronavirus pandemic.”
Already then, she was working with FEMA as a contributing member of the National Advisory Council in a report to the FEMA Administrator from November 2020.
“The exacerbated impacts of disasters on underserved and historically marginalized communities across the United States showcases existing inequity. The drastically increased morbidity and mortality rates during the pandemic of elderly people, poor people, and people of color provide a clear example of this.”
Amazingly, they use the increased mortality rates among the elderly as an argument to increase ‘equity’ in disaster response: it was the homicidal policies in New York that placed sick people back in their elderly homes, not using the federal support that Trump had sent (including the Navy hospital ship Comfort). Criswell did not use the capacity that was available to keep the sick elderly away from the locked down healthy elderly population, and could not foresee any problems with that.
“The Administrator should identify and incorporate equity-based performance measures into the process and support the importance of breaking data down by race/income/etc., where possible.”
This is out in the open: bring support based on race, income, ‘etc’...
Together with others, Criswell developed the following recommendation:
“Additionally, the Administrator should set clear directives to develop an internship and recruitment strategy to become more reflective of the culturally diverse population across the United States other relevant actions include:
a) Institute cultural awareness as part of FEMA’s vision by having diversity and inclusion guide professional development and training for existing employees to bring them up to the level defined.
b) Leadership needs to have a high-functioning knowledge of equity, inclusion, and diversity.
c) Provide recommendations on the membership of a taskforce to identify cross-agency membership that should be involved in developing goals and metrics in support of diversity, equity, and inclusion”
DEI is required in leadership and in the members of taskforces to develop goals and metrics. The stated anticipated impact would be that “FEMA will have clear guidance and direction to ensure the workforce reflects the people being served.”
Other talk about the importance of trust and increased social capital is similarly crucial. This last week we see how FEMA is pushing out local and civilian aid efforts, many of which are Christian based, and thus ‘historically not to be trusted to be welcoming’ to certain ‘disadvantaged groups’.
“The shift that we are seeing right now is the shift in emergency management from utilitarian principles where everything is designed for the greatest good for the greatest amount of people to disaster equity.”
Instead of working to streamline FEMA to actually help those in need, Criswell is training and hiring her staff and leaders to discriminate, based on arbitrary DEI standards. The focus on metrics and goals, coupled with incompetent personnel, automatically creates bureaucracy. You can’t think for yourself, but have to follow ideological guidelines and goals: stick to the rules (they are there to help you, you bigot!). You are not hired because of skill or knowledge, but because of diversity or equity: stick to the rules as your safety net (you don’t know any better, anyway).
This is further drilled into her personnel by ‘protecting’ them from having their ‘comfort level’ impacted. If mere criticism impacts their comfort level too much, what destruction to their frail ego’s and minds would be wrought by the dire circumstances and the absolute carnage they are working to mitigate?
It is ‘dangerous’ to criticize FEMA, per Criswell: “It has a tremendous impact on the comfort level of our own employees … When you have this dangerous rhetoric like you’re hearing, it creates fear in our own employees.”
The sudden move to ‘dispel misinformation’ is telling, and part of the same strategy to protect their own frail and incompetent staff, which is frail and incompetent by design: when you hire based on skin color, sexual preference or any other such ‘protected class’ that was deemed underrepresented, instead of on clear-headedness under stress, quick decision-making and flexibility to adapt in a quickly changing and dangerous disaster scene, the heart to help anyone in need whoever they are, what do you expect to get?
Adding new information, which keeps coming out at increasing speed, FEMA spent almost $20 BILLION on Covid. No, not in 2020, but in 2024! This represents 42% of the agency's $48B total disaster relief expenditures for FY2024! They are NOT doing what they are supposed to do, but have a massive black fund to do whatever they want. (Hat tip Don Wolt)
Governor Roy Cooper is also pushing back against ‘misinformation’. Yet there are thousands of videos of local people, of simple American civilians, who went down there to help, and they all say the same. FEMA is in the way. They block roads. True, not everywhere, not all the time (I heard a glorious video where people remarked how the townspeople rallied and drove the agents who manned the blockade away). But it happens. They send people back, and they confiscate donations. Well, ‘redirect’ them to their own FEMA storage sites, so THEY can control who gets what and when.
Now that we had a closer look at the FEMA goals, this starts to make sense: if aid was left to civilians, how can FEMA ensure that the aid is distributed with ‘equity’? No, THEY have to be in control, so THEY can impose their goals and vision on everyone else.
Other videos talk about how volunteers are turned back. Officially because they have no ‘permit’ or don’t have the right training. In any normal accident, I would accept such argument. But NOT in a disaster of this scale, when every pair of hands, pair of eyes, pair of ears, is needed to help those in immediate need. And ‘permit’? What kind of totalitarian monstrosity of a hell would we become, if we would need ‘permits’ to help others? Who has the authority to stop one human from helping another human? Insanity.
And yes, I believe the witnesses in the videos. Since yesterday, I am beginning to notice the thousand yard stare on the people speaking in their short witness videos, desperately trying to get the word out. No, not in pics or videos from war zones, but from simple folk in Tennessee or North Carolina. Women, and men. With eyes that betray crying, and that are now past crying, and have closed off part of their souls, trying to cope with the sheer amount of death, destruction and insanity they have witnessed. One woman had a look in her eyes, and eye movements that never settled on anything, but looked all over, haphazardly, in a pattern that made me distinctively recall World War 1 videos of shell-shocked soldiers...
You cannot fake that.
I believe them, as they bear the wounds and marks of what they talk about.
Here is their witness, in part. There are many more, but I wanted to collect some and present them here.
First, look how fast the water rises, even if you’re in a house that you’d normally think is safely high up on the river bank.
Or even in the blink of an eye, as you’re in your car. Imagine this happening on a road in the middle of nowhere, with no escape? And with perhaps your wife and children in the car? Scary. Absolutely terrifying.
This killed many people, many more than we now realize. I heard General Flynn talk about 2000+ already, and counting. People on the ground indicate the same. Heartbreaking stories, about how they start to smell the bodies, all over the place. In the trees, in the water, coming from shallow graves buried under mudslides or gravel/branches...
Other videos show how 600plus ambulances are gathered for ‘body retrieval’. Shows how many bodies they DO know are out there. Thousands, perhaps over ten thousand, died.
People notice what is happening. Fema is there, but only in central places and cities, not caring about the rural areas.
They do turn people around, stop them from helping. This woman recounts how FEMA shut down her chain saw crew, so she’s simply packing up and going to where FEMA is not present, to continue helping.
Pilots are stopped from helping, as well... How is this possible? As if pilots are cavalier, risk prone, and don’t understand the risks involved, when they bring their own planes, and risk their own lives and licenses?
This makes many absolutely angry. Including this hotblooded Appalachian woman. Get out of the way!
Others provide witness of blessing and outpourings of love, support and grace. God is present!
Then there are the claims about FEMA having spent all their money on illegals... That is ‘misinformation’ as well, of course...
Except, it isn’t.
Regardless how much Karine Jean-Pierre, White House Spokesperson, tries to gaslight the American public, hoping we forget her own words from merely 2 years ago.
And lower level FEMA people spilling the beans, too, admitting that FEMA has too many assets and money tied up on the border... Which makes one think: didn’t the Biden administration, and Kamala Harris as Border Czar, not deny strongly that there was a problem at the border? Let alone an emergency? Why then was FEMA involved, for years? Billions have been diverted to programs that are destroying the social and economic fabric of the United States, hidden under a very bloated bureaucracy.
Then there is the increased anger and pushback: the White House has billions for Ukraine, sent without oversight, based on an Executive Order. Yet to give money to the disaster-stricken areas of the US itself they hide behind Congress and other bureaucratic red tape.
“You cannot call a question you do not like ‘misinformation’, Peter Doocey was razor sharp.
Meanwhile, Elon Musk was illegally pushed by the FCC out of an approved contract to provide disaster connectivity, Harris mishandled 42 billion for internet in rural America (which has been sent to fund everything else but that), and now, on his own, is providing free StarLink connection all over the disaster zone, installing hundreds of dishes.
He even forced Pete Buttigieg to open up the airspace, through public pressure as he tried to land planes to bring in the StarLink aid.
Then there are groups like the Cajun Navy... Simple rednecks who rally with each disaster to help fellow Americans.
Or groups like Samaritan’s Purse, with almost 6000 volunteers on the ground. Many other groups, churches, businesses and individuals are rallying, too, offering their time, money, labor, or prayers to help.
At the same time, we cannot forget other problems.
As ‘Shadow of Ezra’ tweeted:
“A National Guard Chinook helicopter's low landing at a relief camp in Western North Carolina resulted in over $100,000 in damage, ripping apart tents, supplies, and vehicles, and sending three people to the hospital.
When confronted, the officer in charge gave a casual "oops" and no details, leaving only the helicopter's tail number.
Later, a public affairs officer stepped in to apologize and offer information for filing a complaint.”
This is not a single instance, another video emerged of a black-hawk helicopter damaging a non-FEMA aid point with its rotor wash. What is going on? These are highly trained people, to operate such advanced aircraft: they know what they are doing.
Laura Loomer reports on a potential ecological disaster: A PVC manufacturing plant was completely flooded and sustained massive damage. Tons of PVC pipes were washed away. The question she asked was if vinyl chloride was stored onsite, and if it was swept away with the storm waters. If so, a major ecological disaster happened, poisoning the water.
From Laura Loomer’s tweet: “Vinyl Chloride is the same toxic chemical that was spilled in the East Palestine, Ohio train derailment. And this could possibly be bigger. Vinyl chloride is a toxic, flammable gas and a known human carcinogen. It's used to make PVC, a plastic used in many products, including pipes, shower curtains, and vinyl siding. Exposure to vinyl chloride can increase the risk of: Liver cancer, Brain cancer, Lung cancer, Lymphoma, and Leukemia.
This needs to be investigated ASAP. My source on the ground tells me that first responders and locals are reporting that the their work boots and personal protective equipment (PPE) are being destroyed with prolonged contact with the water and mud in Asheville.”
She follows up with this:
“Nobody is reporting this. My source is working on acquiring testing kits so that they can test the water to determine whether or not a serious ecological disaster is brewing in Asheville.
Is this why the government doesn’t want independent civilian volunteer responders in the area? Are they possibly covering up an ecological disaster that could be happening as a result of the flooding?”
Then you get this kind of videos:
The lack of communication and openness is really damaging. Not just to trust in the government, but also to people and the environment, which the government claims to care so much about. FUBAR.
Now we await the landfall and aftermath of Milton. At least Florida has a much better governor who is already taking point, and suffering no fools or meddling. I hope and pray individual Floridians listened and evacuated, and that the damage will be as little as possible, with no lives lost.
Let’s see how the government responds to this landfall of a major hurricane. Will the same patterns be visible? The total incompetence of FEMA, fueled by a misguided focus on equity over actual aid and skills? Lack of support from the federal level, both civil and military? To be seen.
But focus on that, not on weather geo-engineering, or lithium or quartz mines and related corruption. Those are red herrings. Hold accountable those who are destroying America from within by their sheer incompetence, and their blind adherence to a destructive and divisive Marxist ideology: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, or DEI for short. Under the guise of such nice sounding words, a totalitarian control state is being imposed. People in North Carolina experience first-hand what a country guided by such ideals looks like and feels like. We all see it. No one likes it.
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Each state is supposed to have emergency plans for any type of emergency. FEMA has resources they can make available to the state. You don’t want FEMA running your emergencies. You want their assistance. Louisiana failed to have the ability to implement their emergency plan during Katrina so now we FEMA coming and taking over. Not good for locals.
A very excellent and detailed description, report, and disclosure! There is a caveat to any solution imagined. Our Government is not interested in stopping the weather modification technology. It would seem they are both aware of and a party to crimes against humanity via their silence. They have had detailed reports, both of specific chemicals they are using, and an individual or two of the companies involved. The first report I was privy to was pre 2010. There have been others. It is extremely difficult for us all as we learn of all things that we have both been lied to about ND things that have been hidden from us intentionally. May God help and keep us from all harm.