deletedJul 17·edited Jul 17Liked by ArnGrimR
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Your comment is excellent and deserves to be incorporated into the article. I also urge you to post it separately on X / Twitter. Let me know your handle so I can follow you.

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Please repost your comment glissmeister. Thank you.

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Covering everything from start to finish would include someone on the Trump team responsible for rally locations knowing that he is the # target of the USG. Why Butler and why at that location? Does his team do an aerial reconnaissance first before choosing a town's area, knowing this state has a Dem Governor and AG, the SS detail is short on people and competency? Nothing should be left to chance especially when relying on 'local' LE to secure an area. I hope that Trump understands this and demands better from this team and perhaps pays for his own team that directs all security measure.

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19Author

Dan Bongino claimed today that sources told him that the Secret Service Sniper team (so team #1) took a crazy shot, in a 9 inch window, obstructed by a tree... Seems there was an opening, and gave a glimpse?

I am very curious to see the final report on all this!

Naomi Wolf is pointing at Jill Biden as the one behind this scheme to dry Trump's security dry, exposing him for this attempt...

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Water tower...


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Interesting bit, i missed the video with the people talking about the water tower.

At first glance, the angles don't work if considering shots from the water tower.

I'll look closer, though, to either confirm or rebutt that claim.

It wouldn't be the first time that people, eyewitnesses, take what they "think" they heard/saw for what "actually" happened.

For now, the observed images, locations and shots match a shooter behind the tree on the glass factory roof. But there is so much we don't know yet, or haven't seen/heard/discovered yet, and I can be wrong.

Thank you for pointing this out!

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I took a closer look:


My initial hunch, based on my understanding of the lay of the land, is confirmed. Take a look, what do yo think?

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Great images showing that the shot's trajectory lines up with those wounded! You should also take a look at the angles from the sniper teams. A tree blocked the view of one team, and the other could not see the shooter until he got to the peak of the roof (reverse slope concealed him).

For animation showing that sniper team #1 on Left Red Barn could NOT see the shooter:

see @ 50:56 from Dr. Peter McCullough's “Courageous Discourse” Substack whose Google Maps :


And, last night, Washington Post published a #D analysis:  Obstructed view may have delayed sniper response at trump rally https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/interactive/2024/trump-rally-shooting-maps-secret-service-analysis/?itid=hp-top-table-main_p001_f009

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I was fist with that ;-)

I've seen those sources, and their thinking is already incorporated here. Thanks for sharing those, though, great confirmation!

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Yes, thank you. I saw this too. Love ya Doc, but you missed this one. The water tower was THE perfect sniper spot, had a clear view of the entire area, above the trees. 435 feet from the tower's walkway to Crooks' position. Right into the wind too, so no horizontal defection.

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Agreed, it was the perfect spot.

Except, no shots were fired from that outlook., and all known impact points of bullets line up with a shooter at the roof.

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Jul 16Liked by ArnGrimR

Great explanation of the events, my question is, why the building where the shooter was perched was not taken by the SS in first place? Why the Police Officer that first encounter the assassin didn't do anything but back down, instead of confronting him or at least call for attention?

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That is indeed the million dollar question. It is an incredible oversight, purposeful or not. So much unraveled here.

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It's a terrific analysis except for the fact that the news media shows that Crooks was shot and killed by Counter-terrorism team #1 which on your analysis had no open line of fire. The team was behind Trump and to his right, which would be team #1. See for example, @4:14--4:23 https://youtu.be/EvTFbnRNCKA?t=253

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Thanks for the link. I found this video very informative. I particularly liked his stance not to judge the SS snipers.

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Dan Bongino claimed today that sources told him that the Secret Service Sniper team (so team #1) took a crazy shot, in a 9 inch window, obstructed by a tree... Seems there was an opening, and gave a glimpse?

I am very curious to see the final report on all this!

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19

Thank you for the reply. Most of the “news” narrative is CIA-FBI-SSS vomitus designed to confuse and muddle the issues. For days it has shown sniper team #1 as making the kill shot but if you watch the sniper he abandons his scope, takes a look over the rifle, then immediately pops down and shoots without aiming while the rifle barrel noses upward. “That can’t be the kill shot!” I kept saying while the media droned on. Since my comment team #2 is now credited with the kill. Perhaps, perhaps not. I do not see any point in entertaining an innocent “lone gunman” theory given 1) artificially but artfully designed Pacman periphery to exclude best sniper’s nest from SS secure zone; 2) stationing three local police snipers inside the Glass Building because of a sloping roof less steep that that used by teams #1 & #2; 3) locating teams #1 & #2 so their line of sight to the ideal and actual sniper’s nest used by Crooks is obstructed by trees. Please. They spit in your mouth, tell you it’s a kiss, and ask you to swallow it—or else! Specifically, I think that Cheatle gave her lie about not posting SS on a slanting roof under direction from Mayorkas whose hand lies heavily on this entire plot. I took it, as did Naomi Wolff, as a gesture of impunity from someone impeached but not tried.

Days after cracking Crooks’ phone the FBI was clueless as to motive but now it is revealed!! Crooks is a non-denominational killer having diligently search Trump, Biden, Garland, Wray and a UK Royal—apparently Trump just showed up in the right place first. While the shooting may have appeared to the uneducated eye to be directed against Trump, it wasn’t really. The idea that Crooks may have had help is further nonsense. He is not the agent. It would be very surprising if he were not either a mind-control subject like Sirhan Sirhan or else (far less likely) a useful helper like the 7/7 London bombers who realized mid-plot that they were the chosen patsies and tried in vain to escape their narrative. It is impossible to believe that the ideal conditions for an assassination would be carefully arranged by the SS who would then only light votary candles with hopeful prayers that an assassin might appear to make use of what they had done.

From the start I have asked, “Who put the ladder up against the building behind the Cypress trees?” Liability issues would preclude it just being there for routine use and it was essential for Crooks to mount the building. That embarrassing question was nullified by the media tale that Crooks bought a 5’ ladder at Home Depot and used it to mount a huge AC unit by which he reached the roof. The still photos of the AC unit show this to be an impossible climb even when not carrying a rifle. Local police (captain & officers) have spun a tall yarn of how the cop who peeked over the roof did so by being held aloft by another officer, thus barely peeked over holding on with both hands and dropped down to save his life; real eyewitnesses say that he climbed the ladder behind the Cypress trees and fell off it when Crooks pointed his rifle at him. Evidence of other shooters is coming out of the woodwork and the question is, to what avail? JFK’s assassination as a state crime has been proven so many times, again and again, seven ways to Sunday while his presidential-candidate nephew sat without SS protection, contrary to law, until Trump’s good luck gave that illegal refusal a bad look and he was given SS “protection.” There is a little more hope this time because a lot more people are able to call it a conspiracy from the start. Keep up the great work!

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Where were the surveillance drones? I’ll stay with preprogrammed shooter via hypnotic control!

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Makes no sense there were no drones to provide some kind of overwatch. USSS HAS such a program, and the drones....

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There was a report that a drone in the air was named and brought down a minute before the shooting. With all the misinformation being thrown around, it's hard to tell the truth, but it sure provides a convenient excuse to avoid the collection of evidence, doesn't it? Kinda like the absence of recording of police traffic. Or the usage of a B string team of workers in lieu of the USSS.

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Consider what probably would have happened if the cop that encountered him on the roof had taken Joey Biden's advice and fired in the air.

Everything would have stopped, and Trump would have been alerted.

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Would have been helpful to know why, but your name implies you won't comply to any standard or expectation, anyway. God bless, and all the best.

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Probably TDS sufferer.

I say sufferer but in reality most enjoy the feeling of fear as they see Trump still breathing.

They'd march their children to clinics to get their gender changed, execute perfectly healthy babies, employ unqualified staff, but ask them to think outside their Marxist mindset and they'll suffer cognitive dissonance overload.

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Well said Boris Doyle.

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Wrong again...but I'm sure you're used to that. I voted for Trump twice, you nimwit. The situation at hand (and the world) is not what you think, nor does everything fit into the tiny little, ignorant boxes you've built for yourself.

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Nor the crazy skne want desperately to believe.

Sometimes the simplest answer is the correct one.

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LOL, talk about being desperate to believe. Good luck with your MAGA messiah Boris -- what's coming isn't going to be what it looks like on the surface, nor what you're hoping for.

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Small minds can't think big thoughts.

Go back to smoking weed.

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Mmm, Again, a lot of assumptions that you keep to yourself. I have no idea what you are talking about, nor how you know which tiny little, ignorant boxes we've built for ourselves.

This is not a great way to communicate. You seem convinced you are right (and that is ok, perhaps you are), but with how you are communicating, you deprive us from any chance to learn.

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My apologies. You can only handle so much in a day -- and so much naivete and ignorance. No, that's not the best way to communicate, sorry, but it is the truth. It's taxing. I spent the entire day watching my fellow man, conservatives, Christians and country get completely duped and herded towards the next phase of the globalist, 4IR, NWO agenda...but people don't even realize it.

No, I don't know it all, and I am likely wrong about some things but I've certainly got the plot...and the tactics and strategies being used against us.

It's sad to see how deceived people are around all of what just happened and why. People are being led to the slaughter. No idea of who and what actually runs this world, nor how architected, scripted and theatrical things are on the world's stage. There is a reason the cabal holds the plebes in such contempt and think we're cattle.

People need to wake up to the actual/true evil that is running our country and world, before the next shoes drop. The divide and conquer tactics are about to move towards Ordo Ab Chao. If people don't wake up, they WILL continue to fall for the false narratives and lies...and be led to the slaughter. Most likely most of us will...dragged down with the sheep. That depop, you'll own nothing and NWO reset plan is NOT conspiracy.

Most people are still supporting or idolizing the very actors who are in on it. Get ready for even more massive deception and smoke n mirrors. What's going to happen next is going to sound and look great to many, while in reality, their lives, liberties and freedoms (and likely much worse) are actually being stolen.

Matthew 24:24

For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.

Take care and God Bless.

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Jul 17Liked by ArnGrimR

Have been reading your articles for quite some time. The best of the best imo.

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Much appreciated, thank you!

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I'm afraid many in danger now

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We all are.

Whatever any might think of Trump, we need a leader like him to clean up the swamp.

The abuse of power, from until now well-respected agencies and institutions, is poison for this nation.

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Jul 17Liked by ArnGrimR

At this point in our Republic the obviousness of the corruption and ineptitude leads me to the obvious, they want Trump dead and will stop at nothing to kill him. This whole story reeks of failure without consequences, and a cover up has already begun. The die was cast with JFK and since then they have run amuck believing they are untouchable, and it appears they are.

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Jul 17Liked by ArnGrimR

I believe that covid was the first method to remove Trump.

Lawfare was the second attempt.

Assassination the third.

Maybe a global thermonuclear war as the fourth.

I put nothing past these evil bastards.

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Except, now a lot more people are on to them, and calling them out, almost instantaneously.

Great times to be alive!

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Excellent article! Thanks for sharing.

Make America a Meritocracy Again!

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Why wasn't Trump taken off the stage?

Why weren't drones used?

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Jul 17Liked by ArnGrimR

Thank you for all this excellent new research.

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Jul 17Liked by ArnGrimR

I love maps as well. This was very useful too me. But why? Both Trump and Biden are part of team on the NWO.

Could it really be simply be two Cartels fighting for dominance?

Or does Jill and Kamala have something very important and dark to hide?

It would have to be something far bigger than Epstine's Island .

And how on earth did a team of criminals come off looking like the Three Stoges ?

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Yes about Biden and Trump both being NWO. That's why President Biden states he was going to phone Donald. When does Biden ever call Trump Donald? Like they are friends with the same goals ultimately.

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Just like Hillary vs Trump.

It's all a trick to get us to believe there's a difference between the two sides.

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EARTH TO Darkstar! Hillary Clinton (actually all THREE Clintons), Joe Biden (and his speech writer - Daniel Benaim), Antony Blinken, John Kerry, Alejandro Mayorkas, (Deputy Attorney General - Lisa Monaco), Janet Yellen (just for openers)are ALL MEMBERS OF THE "COUNCIL on FOREIGN RELATIONS" the "conspiratorial' "Non-Government" Organization - which Donald Trump is NOT!

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Darkstar to Earth, you earthlings need to calm down. Your planet will be destroyed by a nuclear war soon. So drink your bud lite,and relax a bit.

Did Trump put Hillary in jail? No.

Both Biden and Trump get tons of money from AIPAC,

did you know that ?

While Biden is a disgusting dirtbag,

Trump's Police State will be not much better.

You really think Trump is gonna send 20 million aliens home?

The smog down there must be really bad today.

Try not to breath too much of it.

I do hope you enjoy you planet.

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Your inept "reply" sez it all.

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Go to sleep,troll

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Seems to be Jill who has the most to lose...

Naomi Wolf wrote about this, see my newest article (New Facts and Old Fakes).

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17Liked by ArnGrimR

I have a multi millionaire uncle that when he was about 68 put himself 30 feet in the air siding his sons garage and fell. He luckily survived and was airlifted to a Boston hospital. He just turned 93 and I’m sure still feels the pain from his fall.

My point is with all the money donated to Trump I think it’s time he may want to eliminate the threats to his life by the government he is trying too be elected to and hire his own private security. Another suggestion, Trump should never be with JD Vance, It may be a far too target rich environment for the deep state to pass up.

ET TU Secret Service.


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Jul 17·edited Jul 17Liked by ArnGrimR

RFK should stick with Gavin de Becker. And Trump should hire Erik Prince.

Asking this government for more secret service protection is like asking Pfizer to update their covid shot for the latest variant. After seeing how it performs, do you really want more?

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I'd love to hear opinions about this:


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Anyone who actually SAW the clips of the assassination attempt on Trump and BELIEVE it was FAKED are themselves terminally oblivious and de facto brain DEAD!

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I'm wondering, Tom, if you watched this video?

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Yes I did.

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Dude,stop yelling, we can here you.

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I've looked at that.

Stage magic can do lots of remarkable things.

But the sloppy handling of the event from all concerned tells me it was a botched CIA hit.

The shot of what's now called "The

Iwo Jima Photo "

Does tell me the press was in on the game.

Trump got shot,for sure.

The fat SS chick,hiding behind Trump tells it all.

I bet she shit her panties.

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How do you explain the lack of blood on his hand, his sleeve? The video shows him grabbing his bloody ear; blood keeps gushing unless there's some sort of tourniquet applied, and according to the video footage there isn't.

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The ear is mostly cartilage, very few blood vessels in the skin, none in the cartilage.

The wound was small.

The big question is why?

Trump had the game won.

Thus the attempt was real.

We should is, what is the distracting from ?

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Jul 18Liked by ArnGrimR

Thanks - if there was very little blood, where did all the blood come from in the photo showing his ear all bloody, and how did that blood not get on his hand and sleeve? I'm still in maybe, maybe not mode, just curious about answers to these questions that have arisen.. As far as having the game won... "it ain't over till it's over". But I do agree with you about distractions.

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Jul 18Liked by ArnGrimR

I'm not sure that I'm qualified to answer that but I'll try.

Have you ever seen a gunshot wound in person?

I have. The blood flows quickly at first,and then it stops. That the way it is with sub-caliber ammo .

Case in point I knew a guy who got shot in the arm with a .32 caliber bullet he bread a lot at first,then the bullet hole got closed with muscle tissue and the blood stopped.

I pur a pressure bandage on his arm,and called the authorities and that was

All I could do.

So a lot of blood,then little or none.

None of us will know from sure.

But we should let it go.

The chances that we go to war with Iran are very high right now.

And so are the chances we'll see even more caohtic events as we go into the election

Be Safe.

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There are ways to simply explain the lack of blood on cuff and shirt, based on a simply look at the images we have available of what happened.

See https://arngrimr.substack.com/p/new-facts-and-old-fakes

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See my next article, New Facts and Old Fakes. I answer several of the main points, or similar ones, as in that video.

Let me know if I missed something important!

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Historical and biblical times are these

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Excellent article. Highly

suggestive of higher level coordination. The only question now is why would they dial back assassination attempts now? Scary circumstances for sure.

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17Liked by ArnGrimR

If not for the sighting of the assassin a half hour before, plus the unbelievable decision to let Trump onstage anyway, perhaps I could believe it was just incompetence. Surely even the B team would have received enough training to know Trump should not be on that stage??

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