Wrong again...but I'm sure you're used to that. I voted for Trump twice, you nimwit. The situation at hand (and the world) is not what you think, nor does everything fit into the tiny little, ignorant boxes you've built for yourself.
Wrong again...but I'm sure you're used to that. I voted for Trump twice, you nimwit. The situation at hand (and the world) is not what you think, nor does everything fit into the tiny little, ignorant boxes you've built for yourself.
LOL, talk about being desperate to believe. Good luck with your MAGA messiah Boris -- what's coming isn't going to be what it looks like on the surface, nor what you're hoping for.
You're still seeing things surface level Boris. You need to go a level or two deeper to really understand what is happening and to know where the true fight is. To try and use a bad analogy, sure, we have to fight the lower level sickness that is growing like a skin disease, but there's a hidden or unknown blockage in the heart that is the most critical.
You're displaying the level of focus, understanding and distraction that they want.
If you understood all that, you wouldn't be mistaking my position here for me just being a "never Trumper".
Someday that might make more sense. Until then, I wish you well. What they're doing to Ireland is a pure shame. Best of luck man.
Mmm, Again, a lot of assumptions that you keep to yourself. I have no idea what you are talking about, nor how you know which tiny little, ignorant boxes we've built for ourselves.
This is not a great way to communicate. You seem convinced you are right (and that is ok, perhaps you are), but with how you are communicating, you deprive us from any chance to learn.
My apologies. You can only handle so much in a day -- and so much naivete and ignorance. No, that's not the best way to communicate, sorry, but it is the truth. It's taxing. I spent the entire day watching my fellow man, conservatives, Christians and country get completely duped and herded towards the next phase of the globalist, 4IR, NWO agenda...but people don't even realize it.
No, I don't know it all, and I am likely wrong about some things but I've certainly got the plot...and the tactics and strategies being used against us.
It's sad to see how deceived people are around all of what just happened and why. People are being led to the slaughter. No idea of who and what actually runs this world, nor how architected, scripted and theatrical things are on the world's stage. There is a reason the cabal holds the plebes in such contempt and think we're cattle.
People need to wake up to the actual/true evil that is running our country and world, before the next shoes drop. The divide and conquer tactics are about to move towards Ordo Ab Chao. If people don't wake up, they WILL continue to fall for the false narratives and lies...and be led to the slaughter. Most likely most of us will...dragged down with the sheep. That depop, you'll own nothing and NWO reset plan is NOT conspiracy.
Most people are still supporting or idolizing the very actors who are in on it. Get ready for even more massive deception and smoke n mirrors. What's going to happen next is going to sound and look great to many, while in reality, their lives, liberties and freedoms (and likely much worse) are actually being stolen.
Matthew 24:24
For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
Wrong again...but I'm sure you're used to that. I voted for Trump twice, you nimwit. The situation at hand (and the world) is not what you think, nor does everything fit into the tiny little, ignorant boxes you've built for yourself.
Nor the crazy skne want desperately to believe.
Sometimes the simplest answer is the correct one.
LOL, talk about being desperate to believe. Good luck with your MAGA messiah Boris -- what's coming isn't going to be what it looks like on the surface, nor what you're hoping for.
Small minds can't think big thoughts.
Go back to smoking weed.
Nice try Boris...I can tell by your profile picture, why it's pointless...
Good luck though. I actually don't want to see you continue to be deceived. God Bless.
You see the problem with the Never Trumpers is they boil the whole narrative down to just him and how he looks.
Damn all else.
I have a more broad look at it.
I see left-wing crazy popping up everywhere.
Trump is the only one to counter that publicly.
He's the spear point.
If you go into this with, "he tweets mean things", then you'll never grasp the whole picture.
I'm not MAGA.
I'm Irish, live in Ireland and I see the left media here too.
They really loathe him here as well.
Even our politicians have said some awful shit about him.
It comes down to who you trust, mainstream media and the political class or the man who wants to drain the swamp?
You're still seeing things surface level Boris. You need to go a level or two deeper to really understand what is happening and to know where the true fight is. To try and use a bad analogy, sure, we have to fight the lower level sickness that is growing like a skin disease, but there's a hidden or unknown blockage in the heart that is the most critical.
You're displaying the level of focus, understanding and distraction that they want.
If you understood all that, you wouldn't be mistaking my position here for me just being a "never Trumper".
Someday that might make more sense. Until then, I wish you well. What they're doing to Ireland is a pure shame. Best of luck man.
Mmm, Again, a lot of assumptions that you keep to yourself. I have no idea what you are talking about, nor how you know which tiny little, ignorant boxes we've built for ourselves.
This is not a great way to communicate. You seem convinced you are right (and that is ok, perhaps you are), but with how you are communicating, you deprive us from any chance to learn.
My apologies. You can only handle so much in a day -- and so much naivete and ignorance. No, that's not the best way to communicate, sorry, but it is the truth. It's taxing. I spent the entire day watching my fellow man, conservatives, Christians and country get completely duped and herded towards the next phase of the globalist, 4IR, NWO agenda...but people don't even realize it.
No, I don't know it all, and I am likely wrong about some things but I've certainly got the plot...and the tactics and strategies being used against us.
It's sad to see how deceived people are around all of what just happened and why. People are being led to the slaughter. No idea of who and what actually runs this world, nor how architected, scripted and theatrical things are on the world's stage. There is a reason the cabal holds the plebes in such contempt and think we're cattle.
People need to wake up to the actual/true evil that is running our country and world, before the next shoes drop. The divide and conquer tactics are about to move towards Ordo Ab Chao. If people don't wake up, they WILL continue to fall for the false narratives and lies...and be led to the slaughter. Most likely most of us will...dragged down with the sheep. That depop, you'll own nothing and NWO reset plan is NOT conspiracy.
Most people are still supporting or idolizing the very actors who are in on it. Get ready for even more massive deception and smoke n mirrors. What's going to happen next is going to sound and look great to many, while in reality, their lives, liberties and freedoms (and likely much worse) are actually being stolen.
Matthew 24:24
For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
Take care and God Bless.