Yes about Biden and Trump both being NWO. That's why President Biden states he was going to phone Donald. When does Biden ever call Trump Donald? Like they are friends with the same goals ultimately.
EARTH TO Darkstar! Hillary Clinton (actually all THREE Clintons), Joe Biden (and his speech writer - Daniel Benaim), Antony Blinken, John Kerry, Alejandro Mayorkas, (Deputy Attorney General - Lisa Monaco), Janet Yellen (just for openers)are ALL MEMBERS OF THE "COUNCIL on FOREIGN RELATIONS" the "conspiratorial' "Non-Government" Organization - which Donald Trump is NOT!
I love maps as well. This was very useful too me. But why? Both Trump and Biden are part of team on the NWO.
Could it really be simply be two Cartels fighting for dominance?
Or does Jill and Kamala have something very important and dark to hide?
It would have to be something far bigger than Epstine's Island .
And how on earth did a team of criminals come off looking like the Three Stoges ?
Yes about Biden and Trump both being NWO. That's why President Biden states he was going to phone Donald. When does Biden ever call Trump Donald? Like they are friends with the same goals ultimately.
Just like Hillary vs Trump.
It's all a trick to get us to believe there's a difference between the two sides.
EARTH TO Darkstar! Hillary Clinton (actually all THREE Clintons), Joe Biden (and his speech writer - Daniel Benaim), Antony Blinken, John Kerry, Alejandro Mayorkas, (Deputy Attorney General - Lisa Monaco), Janet Yellen (just for openers)are ALL MEMBERS OF THE "COUNCIL on FOREIGN RELATIONS" the "conspiratorial' "Non-Government" Organization - which Donald Trump is NOT!
Darkstar to Earth, you earthlings need to calm down. Your planet will be destroyed by a nuclear war soon. So drink your bud lite,and relax a bit.
Did Trump put Hillary in jail? No.
Both Biden and Trump get tons of money from AIPAC,
did you know that ?
While Biden is a disgusting dirtbag,
Trump's Police State will be not much better.
You really think Trump is gonna send 20 million aliens home?
The smog down there must be really bad today.
Try not to breath too much of it.
I do hope you enjoy you planet.
Your inept "reply" sez it all.
Go to sleep,troll
Seems to be Jill who has the most to lose...
Naomi Wolf wrote about this, see my newest article (New Facts and Old Fakes).