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It's a terrific analysis except for the fact that the news media shows that Crooks was shot and killed by Counter-terrorism team #1 which on your analysis had no open line of fire. The team was behind Trump and to his right, which would be team #1. See for example, @4:14--4:23
┬й 2025 ArnGrimR
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It's a terrific analysis except for the fact that the news media shows that Crooks was shot and killed by Counter-terrorism team #1 which on your analysis had no open line of fire. The team was behind Trump and to his right, which would be team #1. See for example, @4:14--4:23
Thanks for the link. I found this video very informative. I particularly liked his stance not to judge the SS snipers.
Dan Bongino claimed today that sources told him that the Secret Service Sniper team (so team #1) took a crazy shot, in a 9 inch window, obstructed by a tree... Seems there was an opening, and gave a glimpse?
I am very curious to see the final report on all this!
Thank you for the reply. Most of the тАЬnewsтАЭ narrative is CIA-FBI-SSS vomitus designed to confuse and muddle the issues. For days it has shown sniper team #1 as making the kill shot but if you watch the sniper he abandons his scope, takes a look over the rifle, then immediately pops down and shoots without aiming while the rifle barrel noses upward. тАЬThat canтАЩt be the kill shot!тАЭ I kept saying while the media droned on. Since my comment team #2 is now credited with the kill. Perhaps, perhaps not. I do not see any point in entertaining an innocent тАЬlone gunmanтАЭ theory given 1) artificially but artfully designed Pacman periphery to exclude best sniperтАЩs nest from SS secure zone; 2) stationing three local police snipers inside the Glass Building because of a sloping roof less steep that that used by teams #1 & #2; 3) locating teams #1 & #2 so their line of sight to the ideal and actual sniperтАЩs nest used by Crooks is obstructed by trees. Please. They spit in your mouth, tell you itтАЩs a kiss, and ask you to swallow itтАФor else! Specifically, I think that Cheatle gave her lie about not posting SS on a slanting roof under direction from Mayorkas whose hand lies heavily on this entire plot. I took it, as did Naomi Wolff, as a gesture of impunity from someone impeached but not tried.
Days after cracking CrooksтАЩ phone the FBI was clueless as to motive but now it is revealed!! Crooks is a non-denominational killer having diligently search Trump, Biden, Garland, Wray and a UK RoyalтАФapparently Trump just showed up in the right place first. While the shooting may have appeared to the uneducated eye to be directed against Trump, it wasnтАЩt really. The idea that Crooks may have had help is further nonsense. He is not the agent. It would be very surprising if he were not either a mind-control subject like Sirhan Sirhan or else (far less likely) a useful helper like the 7/7 London bombers who realized mid-plot that they were the chosen patsies and tried in vain to escape their narrative. It is impossible to believe that the ideal conditions for an assassination would be carefully arranged by the SS who would then only light votary candles with hopeful prayers that an assassin might appear to make use of what they had done.
From the start I have asked, тАЬWho put the ladder up against the building behind the Cypress trees?тАЭ Liability issues would preclude it just being there for routine use and it was essential for Crooks to mount the building. That embarrassing question was nullified by the media tale that Crooks bought a 5тАЩ ladder at Home Depot and used it to mount a huge AC unit by which he reached the roof. The still photos of the AC unit show this to be an impossible climb even when not carrying a rifle. Local police (captain & officers) have spun a tall yarn of how the cop who peeked over the roof did so by being held aloft by another officer, thus barely peeked over holding on with both hands and dropped down to save his life; real eyewitnesses say that he climbed the ladder behind the Cypress trees and fell off it when Crooks pointed his rifle at him. Evidence of other shooters is coming out of the woodwork and the question is, to what avail? JFKтАЩs assassination as a state crime has been proven so many times, again and again, seven ways to Sunday while his presidential-candidate nephew sat without SS protection, contrary to law, until TrumpтАЩs good luck gave that illegal refusal a bad look and he was given SS тАЬprotection.тАЭ There is a little more hope this time because a lot more people are able to call it a conspiracy from the start. Keep up the great work!