Part 1, Is Russia’s cause justified? The historical run-up
Part 2, A just cause in the face of violence and a Neo-Nazi resurgence
Part 3, A just cause in the face of violence, deceit, and a policy of regime change
Part 4, Some history and background on bioresearch
Part 5, Ukrainian biolabs and US attitude towards bioresearch
Part 6, Use of chemical weapons in Ukraine confirmed
Part 7, Russia is NOT the aggressor…
Part 8, …but the US, NATO and EU are!
Part 9, America’s nuclear gambles.
Part 10, Are we the baddies?
I normally don’t comment on ongoing smaller developments, as I like to focus on the larger movements, and leave the small details for when they are more firmly confirmed or established. Too much fake news is going on, necessitating a 24 hr or even 72hr rule, before commenting.
But this one, even if to some it might seem a new potential ‘breaking news’ item, is not new, but ongoing for several weeks now, and it slowly and quietly keeps escalating to the highest levels. This looks like much more than a rumor, and absolutely warrants a closer look.
Is Ukraine using chemical weapons? They are desperate for a win, hoping and searching for a way to regain the initiative again, and there is a lot of pent-up hatred and desire for violence, to ‘destroy the orcs’: product of years’ worth of relentless dehumanizing propaganda (see part 2). There are some harrowing videos on social media from the beginning of the special military operation, of prisoners of war being slaughtered (just a week or two ago, a new video was circulated by Ukrainian social media accounts, of 3 Russian soldiers, taken captive, but shot in the head on the ground at point blank range), where the slaughtering was at times brutally literal (a young soldier, held on the ground, while a knife was slowly stuck in his throat; I wish I never saw that video, I won’t link to it), drove a tank over a wounded Russian soldier, or have prisoners of war tortured and burned alive, or shot execution style, with their hands tied together, or Ukrainians making ‘soup’ from a human skull believed to be a Russian soldier, etc. This goes way beyond the ‘normal’ horrors of war, well into a level of depravity that we usually only see in history books. But here it is, yet again…
There are ‘innocent’ civilian counterparts to some of that, such as a bake off in an ordinary school in Nikolaev, where schoolchildren prepared treats with names such as "Blood of Russian Babies" and "Zhirinovsky's Brain". And the teachers and parents laughed and allowed that… Or the Halloween decoration bags with ‘bones of a Russian soldier’. What kind of message is being sent?
(I had a video on YouTube about this event, but YouTube has since taken down that account… See this article instead.)
The hatred against anything Russian (well, against anything that is seen as opposed to them) is visceral, and it is very, very real. And despite all the talk about Russian war crimes: where is the video evidence or photographic evidence that rises to the same level of those that are openly shared on social media by Ukrainians?
Fast forward to December 2022
War correspondent Yevgeny Lisitsyn reported that the Ukrainian army used chemical weapons in their attempts to break through the Russian positions near Kremennaya, in clear violation of the Geneva Chemical Weapons Convention. He stated that they used chloropicrin, a choking poison, like phosgene.

Yet on December 12, 2022, the G7 leaders, together with Zelensky, made the following statement:
"War crimes and other atrocities cannot go unpunished. We will bring President Putin and the perpetrators to justice in accordance with international law. We reiterate that Russia's irresponsible nuclear rhetoric is unacceptable and that any use of chemical, biological or nuclear weapons will have serious consequences."
On January 7, 2023, a Pro-Russian telegram channel, Lord of War, (here with subtitles) reported this: “The Wagner PMC fighters report that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are using unidentified chemical weapons in Artemivsk (Ukrainian Bakhmut). According to the fighters, as a result of the use of an unknown substance, chemical burns of the respiratory tract and mucous membranes were obtained.”
Where did all that suddenly come from?
As Slavyangrad reported:
“The armed forces of Ukraine are preparing to use banned chemical weapons in Artemovsk.
A Ukrainian "military blogger," Yuriy Madyar, published a video showing chemical munitions and "hinted" that the Armed Forces of Ukraine were preparing to use banned munitions on facilities in Artemovsk (Bakhmut).
Earlier, "Madiar/Madyar" posted footage of him and members of his gang making drones with colorful cylinders. At that time, it was not known exactly what Ukrainian soldiers were using in their bombs, but now the blogger has independently confirmed that the containers contain chemical weapons.”
Footage in question can be seen here.
See also this background report made on the ‘Wings of Madyar’ and their work as reconnaissance and artillery support.
Later reports by Pro-Russian Slavyangrad shows very similar drones, but this time as shot down by Russian troops.
From that report:
“Russian Military correspondents reported on the use of chemical weapons by the Ukrainian Armed Forces during the battles in the Avdiivka direction.
According to reports from the field, drones dropped cylinders with a chemical poisoning agent on Russian positions near Novobakhmutovka. People hit by the chemical have been noted to be vomiting and cramping. According to military correspondents, similar "devices" have been previously shot down by Russian soldiers, and in contact with unprotected skin, the wreckage of the drones or the substances left chemical burns.
Earlier, a video with a similar device, as well as the cylinders with unknown substances, was published by the odious Ukrainian "military blogger," Magyar.”
From Robert Magyar’s own Telegram, the text that went with that video:
“BADA-BUM 🧨🧨🧨 ENOUGH for all the worm farts!
If I didn't put it out in the evening, then let it be in the morning for Sunday coffee.
🧨 red candy: Shaman, 63 units;
🧨 black candy: in the LIGHTHOUSE (not the plant and not the radio station), explosion-initiated by the Shaman;
🐝Molfar drone: Sashko RAMA (PM)
🔥initiation fee: G-A production, public collection of 5,000 pieces for the Armed Forces
😂refrigerator: cabinet substitute
PM: Eyes and Sting”
"Magyar" himself also confirmed that his unit uses shells with chemical warfare agents, according to reports, but I have not been able to confirm that.
After those reports from the field, came a first confirmation by a high placed official:
“Ukrainian troops used chemical weapons in the Soledar and Artyomovsk directions, Yang Gagin, adviser to the acting head of the DPR, told our agency.
"In different sectors of the front, mainly in the Soledar and Artyomovsk sectors, there were reports from unit commanders about the use of chemical weapons by the Ukrainian side. Some fighters experience nausea, vomiting, and severe dizziness," said the adviser to the head of the DPR.
Gagin stressed that these are not the first cases of the use of chemical weapons by the Ukrainian side.”
See also this report by Tass, about the same statement by Gagin.
There is a disturbing video (original Telegram and Rumble) of an attack that really looks like the use of such chemical weapon:
The dropped cylinder looks very similar to the ones in the previous pictures and videos by Magyar, but could also be a vog-17M 30mm grenade, in either high explosive or high explosive fragmentation version (which are frequently used by the Ukrainian army for this type of drone attacks), very unlike a normal explosion with a HE grenade. Notice also the convulsions of the victim before the grenade is dropped, which seems to indicate he has already have been attacked with some kind of chemical even before this filmed attack.
vog-17M 30mm grenade
Screenshot from video
Use of such ammunition from drones
Black cylinders from video
This is an interesting detail: the victim is already spasming before the bomb is dropped (which is why I don’t think this video shows a chemical weapon drop), and shows profuse bleeding from the mouth. Each time it gets washed away, it comes back. The duration of the spasms and convulsions also seem much more consistent with a nerve agent, than with spasms due to physical damage from shrapnel from an earlier explosion. I could be wrong, though, as I don’t have the specific knowledge or experience on what such shrapnel or explosion damage can do to a body regarding such prolonged convulsions. The combination of the bleeding from the mouth and the convulsions, however, do match symptoms from nerve agents.
Another video from Magyar gives more detail.
Source: (translation of speech in end, see here)
The cylinders are tied to the body of the drones with zip ties, indicating that there are not meant to be dropped. Two possibilities come to mind: either explosives to make an improvised kamikaze drone, or cylinders for spraying chemicals. The end of the cylinders do resemble some kind of spraying nozzle, but this is not conclusive, either.
A quick overview can be seen here:
Lord Of War, a pro-Russian Telegram channel, reported this:
“Ukraine may be preparing to use chemical weapons against Russian troops. This was announced by the Russian Embassy in the UK, posting a video made by Ukrainian military personnel on Twitter.
"The video released by the Ukrainian military appears to show their preparation to use a chemical weapon, likely phosgene, banned by the Chemical Weapons Convention, against the Russian military," it said. The Russian diplomatic mission noted that the letters "OB", which are applied to the gas cylinders shown in the video, mean "poisonous ammunition." According to the video, the Ukrainian military intends to attach these cylinders to attack drones.”
This is easily confirmed: отруйні боєприпаси (in latin script: otruyni boyeprypasy)
Important to note is that the Russian Embassy in the UK made this official allegation as well:

And where Russian Press Secretary Dmitri Pesko first said that he had no information on the use of banned chemicals by Ukrainian forces (Sitrep, 2/6/2023), two days later Konstantin Gavrilov officially urges the OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) to assess Ukraine’s alleged use of chemical weapons in Bakhmut and Soledar!
While Russia at first did not want to comment, it now has reached a level where they are openly escalating, at the highest levels.
And this is not just limited to Russian sources, either! We have confirmation from a NATO source: during an interview with a Latvian officer, he admitted that he knew that chemical weapons had been used in Ukraine, by the Ukrainian army! This lifts it from a Russian fake news item at worst, or an unsubstantiated rumor at best, to something that suddenly has a lot more credibility: even individuals on the side of the enemy with relevant knowledge readily and without hesitation admit such use. Strictly spoken, not proof, either, but when you can get affirmation from both sides in such a polarized information war theater, that is as good as a confirmation you can get only a step below physical evidence.
This is important, not in the least in how it ripples out: Elon Musk, already unhappy by the extensive use of his Starlink network by Ukrainian forces, is now put into a very unpleasant position, as it makes him complicit, indirectly, to these kind of attacks, by providing a network that is used by those drones.
The use of such chemical weapons does not come out of nowhere, does not happen in a vacuum. It can only be used in a society that has abandoned certain principles of humanity, and does not see their adversaries as human, or as fully human.
When you see such a regime grow at your borders, engage in such biological research, after raising the alarm several times but being ignored by all relevant international institutions, you found yourself a justified cause, in and of itself, to take action and prevent such research to mature and neutralizing such danger at your very borders.
Your comment about how they are not seeing the adversary as fully human is very haunting. We can cite the psychological resources, but what is the trigger? Is it something bigger?
Naomi Wolf published an interesting substack yesterday where she explored this topic. On how the topic of evil and how it seems to not just be hovering at the sidelines, but is showing itself boldly.
Excellent summary on the chemical weapons being used by the Ukrainian army. I am glad you are documenting this on substack as unfortunately, there are many writers who don’t have the eyes to see the truth.
We all know that the Ukrainian army is actually led by the United States military forces. The US has a long history of using chemical weapons in previous wars. Russia and China are well aware of this. On February 20 the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China published a document, called US Hegemony and its Perils. In section 2 of that document, the use of chemical weapons by the US during the Korean War, the Vietnam war, the Gulf war, the Afghanistan war, and the Iraq war were outlined. Also, the US has been the major obstacle to international banning of the use of biological weapons.
All of this is despicable and must be stopped. I believe it is one reason China will likely be joining Russia outwardly in the war effort. I suspect they have been doing so secretly for some time. WW III intercontinental bombing the next step, unless US evil worshippers are stopped. But they have been talking about starting war over Taiwan for years. History tells us civilizations have been wiped out before and we know about Agenda 21 depopulation goals. Not good news unless that is the only way to clean up Earth and start over.