Sitemap - 2022 - ArnGrimR

The world at a precipice, while the US is lost

Missile strike in Poland

November 11

Elections: OUR responsibility

Tulsi: moving beyond white hat/black hat

The War for Our Minds, Part 10: Fear

Musk: Russian Spy, or Ukrainian Hero?

BIG TECH spies, agents for the ruling elites

US betrayal of Germany and Europe?

Massacres in Ukraine: whodunnit?

On the military strategies in Ukraine

The War for our Minds, Part 9: Apophenia and Pareidolia - mistakes we all make

The War for Our Minds, Part 8: the influence attempts are real

Lesser known, but pivotal battles that saved the Christian West

Fulton Sheen’s prophecy for America, part 2

Fulton Sheen's prophecy for America

On the New Media and citizen writers

The War in Ukraine: Europe’s meddling

Child trafficking, grooming, and abuse: What is going on?

The European Union: how to change a promising Union into a dictatorship

Age of Revolution

Freedom, equality, fraternity.... OR DEATH!

Happy Feast Day to all Flemish!

The ideas behind 'the consent of the governed'

On this 4th of July, we celebrate FREEDOM!

Dutch Farmers are the new Truckers

Abortion: how today's progressives advocate a return to primitive pagan practice

Warning: a possibly very important fertility safety signal in birth rates

SCOTUS and the right to bear arms

What is nationalism?

Update on the military situation in the war in Ukraine

Pluralism in action

Ghosts in the Machine: breakdown

Ghosts in the machine: a closer look

The War for our Minds, Part 7: The Ghosts in the Machine

Reddit/Place: a snapshot of the internet

Qualitative and quantitative differences, a quick primer

A watershed moment

A look at the state of the Ukrainian army

More pieces to the puzzle in the Sussmann case: Obama will fall, too

Quick thoughts on the Sussman verdict

On the right to bear arms

We need our Fairy-tales back!

Magical thinking, a deep dive into woke minds

In Case You Missed It

Heroes come in small deeds

Happy Mother's Day!

On Abortion

The War for our Minds, part 6

Leaked Supreme Court ruling on Roe vs Wade: get ready for an intense cognitive battle

On Hopium

Restoring faith in our Nation

Words are violence

On optimism

Gonzalo Lira resurfaced, alive!

Inner Circles and Nonsense

#DarkMAGA is a trap

The War for our Minds, part 5

Update on the Missing Citizen War Correspondent Gonzalo Lira: captured by AZOV

Youtube war correspondent Gonzalo Lira is 'missing'


The War for our Minds, Summary

The intolerance of the tolerant

Fighting disinformation with disinformation

The War for our Minds, Part 4

Battlefield preparation

Cognitive Warfare in Entertainment

The War for our Minds, Part 3

Ukrainian propaganda

Seeing people as evil

It's easier to fool someone, than to explain they have been fooled...

On Freedom

The War for our Minds, Part 2

The War for our Minds, Part 1

The War for our Minds, prologue

Our Middle Grove moment

Bioweapon research: some history

Die Schuldfrage: who is to blame for the bioweapon labs?

Russians call for National Security Council Meeting!

China and US bioresearch labs

Encroaching Tyranny: important points

Russia, China, and the biolabs...

Making sense of the Ukraine War

Important reminder

Coming soon